♡︎| Chapter 6.2 |♡︎

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Camilo smiles dreamily as he drops himself onto his comfy bed, playing with the chameleon origami afterward. He has an urge to screech like a teenage girl yet he doesn't want to get scolded by his sister. Instead, he hugs his pillow tightly, gushing over how mesmerizing Y/n looked. He met plenty of girls before but none of them are like her. Welp, he finally confessed to himself that he has a huge crush on her.

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✰Chapter 6.2✰

Sadly No

Camilo is chilling on a couch while secretly peeking at the Madrigal couples who walk past him. Oh, how he wished to have a cute lover to hold hands with, to kiss, to hug.

Mirabel often teased him that he's such a hopeless romantic and he kept denying that fact, too embarrassed to admit it.

He interlocks his fingers together as he sighs dramatically. He knows he's still young so he waits patiently for that day to come.

Getting off the couch, he exits the house to take fresh air. "Flowers! Flowers for sale!" Camilo heard someone shout and stopped walking to examine the flowers nearby. His heart speeds up when he saw (favorite flower), he gulps. Camilo is staring at it for quite a long time that someone took notice of this and pats his shoulder. "Hey there young man! Interested in buying flowers for your loved one this Valentine's day?" The shop owner said with a big grin.

Camilo rapidly waves his hands, "No thank you Señor. I didn't bring any money with me." Didn't bring any money? Really Camilo? If you do bring some right now, would you buy those flowers? If so, then..

He snaps out of his thoughts when the shop owner spoke, "Ok then." before he went back to guarding his flowers.

Camilo founds a bench in an area where not so many people are in. He sits on it before he stares absentmindedly at the ground, not knowing two people are eyeing him.

"Maybe being single is getting on him." Pepa said, "He's acting weird nowadays, I'm worried. Do you know anything Dolores?" She turns to her daughter. The young woman squeaks, indicating that she does know something, yet she wasn't meant to do that, it was out of instinct. "Dolores?" Pepa calls again as a cloud appears above her head. "I heard that he doesn't have money to buy flowers." She replied.

Pepa went silent for a few seconds, but then a huge rainbow came into sight when she realized what it meant. Accompanied by a smile, Pepa grasps her daughter's wrist and leads her to a flower shop, "The men can wait."

Camilo taps his thigh when he saw another bunch of (favorite flower). "Mijo!" He heard his mama calling him, with Dolores and Isabela. "Mami?" he raised his brow in confusion on why they are here instead of their dates. "We brought Isabela here, now what flowers do you want?" Pepa clasps her hands from exhilaration. Red hues start developing on the boy's features.

He briefly glares at Dolores who averted her gaze from his. "Hurry primo, I'm in a hurry." Isabela said, not wanting to be late for her date. Camilo breathes out as he lowers his head from embarrassment, "(Favorite flowers)." Isabela nods as she swiftly moves her hand and creates the requested flowers.

"Here you go." She hands them to Camilo. He thanked her while twiddling one of the flower's stem when Isabela left the three. Pepa caresses her son's face, "Tell me Camilo, who are they?"

The boy presses his lips together tightly from agitation while Dolores slowly backs away. "I-it's.." he stuttered, scared of how Pepa might react if he tells her the truth. "I just want to decorate my room with these. There's no one I will give flowers to." Camilo tried to be as natural as possible, he's thankful to himself that he has a knack for acting. He thought he did well. Unfortunately for him, Pepa wasn't convinced, she knows her son very well, "Why are you lying Camilo?" She lets go of him and crosses her arms

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