Chapter 35: Fleeing

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You wanted to hug Jin, but you restrained yourself, still feeling the pressure of the situation. 

   " I'm glad you're okay. Let's get out of here now! "

   " But what about Quinn? "

   " He can handle his own. The rebellion has made it, and we're getting everyone out of here. You need to come with me now! "

Jin grabbed your hand and started running towards the front door. You looked behind you to see Quinn fighting his father, with blood splattered on his face and brows furrowed. You wanted to run back and help him, but Jin's tight grip on your hand prevented you from running back.

   " Jin! Please, we need to go back! "

   " We can't, Y/n! "

   " Why? He needs our help! "

Jin stopped running and grabbed both of your shoulders, looking into your eyes, his brows furrowed. You could see the distress in his eyes, and you listened to his words carefully.

   " Y/n, listen. If there is no one left in the castle, the king will have no one left to kill. He is out for blood, and everyone is at risk. You don't know how to wield a sword, so how would you help him? People are going in to help him, but we need to get you along with the others out of here, because you would only be in our way, and we don't want to make you suffer any longer. "

Without hearing your reply, Jin continued to run away from the castle and towards the town. The town was in an uproar as people ran around, fearful of what was happening. Jin ran through them, the city, and towards an underground tavern. Jin slammed the door open and looked at the bartender. He nodded, and the bartender nodded back. Then, jin ran to the back, where no one was standing, and pushed on the wall. The wall shifted enough for you to slip through, and you ran inside with Jin behind you, closing the door. Jin took a breath, and instead of running, he started walking.

   " We're safe now. If we go just a little further we will reach the main room. "

   " The main room? "

   " Yes. This underground tavern is the main base of operations. We have tunnels running towards the walls, where they have been hollowed out, for our use. There are also other places around town, that we use. This just happens to be our main base of operations. "

You only nodded and followed Jin. You saw a light entering the dark tunnel at the end of the tunnel. When you got closer, you saw many people in the giant room. There were tables set up with sleeping bags in the corner of the room. Other tunnels led to different places, and there was a corner where the weapons were stored, along with anything else they would use in combat. When entering the room, you saw all the people in the castle there. Some people you recognized, but you couldn't find everyone.

   " We don't have any showers, but I'm sure there are some spare clothes you could get. Mariella's already been cleaned up, and she's resting. Over in the center, you will find people handing out clothes, and you can change in the rows of blankets hung up. "

You couldn't do anything as Jin pushed you into the crowd of people. You wandered forward until a woman spotted you. She called you over and handed you clothes to wear. She guided you to blankets hung up in squares, so people could change and have their privacy. She waited for you as you changed. You had loose slacks instead of a dress, but you were provided a belt. A cotton, loose-fitted shirt adorned your top half, while your feet had brown boots. They only had clothes that would be practical for combat, as they had no dresses. The woman took your blood-stained clothes and left you alone to burn them. You walked through the crowds, not knowing what to do, until you spotted Mariella sitting on a sleeping bag. You ran towards her, and when her eyes saw you, she stood up and hugged you tightly. 

   " I'm so glad you're okay. " 

   " I am too, but. . .where is my brother? "

   " Quinn. . .he. . .was left behind. "

   " You left my brother? "

   " I didn't have a choice. I wanted to go back and help him, but I was forced here. Please don't think I left him there of my own will. "

Mariella thought about it for a minute, and she sighed.

   " He'll be fine. I know he will. "

You agreed with her and let her sit down on her sleeping bag. You were both exhausted, and it was evident in your eyes. Mariella entered her sleeping bag, and you laid in your beside her. You couldn't go to sleep, though; your thoughts ran wild.

   ' I didn't see Sarah when I came here or Genevive. I hope they're okay. And. . .Quintin's dead, but what about everyone else? What happened to everyone? "

You couldn't sleep that night and kept hoping Quinn would be alright. But, when you did sleep, you would wake up only an hour later, still feeling restless and tired. And every time you woke up, you would hope that you would wake up in the palace, with Quinn lying beside you. But that didn't happen.

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