Chapter 14: Escape Into Freedom

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You sat on your bed, and you felt your body start to relax a little. It had been a long day, and you didn't get to visit Genevive as you wanted. Your back ached, your arms were sore, and your legs throbbed. 

   ' The king is about to kill me. I don't think I'll be able to last much longer. '

The king realized he was losing many people due to his rage. He decided to stop wearing his sword on his belt so he wouldn't be tempted to kill anyone, but there was a replacement. Instead of his sword, he had a whip on his belt and would whip the servants instead of killing them. You had three whip marks on your back and your arms; you had red lines where the whip grabbed and burned your arm. In addition, your legs throbbed due to the amount of walking and lack of rest. 

   ' This. . .sucks. . .'

You would go to the hospital wing to get your scars wrapped and cleaned, but they still hurt and burned like fire. So you rested on your bed for a little while before getting up and leaving your room. At night you would wander the castle halls to ensure there weren't any stains, dirt spots, or anything that could be deemed unfit. If anything was found, all the servants were whipped in the morning. The morning whips were why you had three marks on your back.

   ' I hope there's nothing wrong. I really don't want to clean. I want to go back to my room and sleep. '

You started looking through the halls but found nothing on your adventure. However, you eventually found paintings on the wall of the previous royals. The last painting on the wall was of Aileen, Francis, baby Matiella, and a young Quinn. They didn't smile, and their faces looked to be made of stone.

   ' This poor family. ' 

Next to the painting, there was an empty spot where Quinn's painting would go with his wife and children. You continued down the hall, and the rain started falling from the sky and hitting the castle windows. It was pouring, and the lightning cracked in the sky. You went down the hall and noticed the doors had started to change. The doors were made of iron, and they looked heavy. You walked to one of the doors and peered inside. There was someone inside, and their back was facing the door. His back was toned, but the flesh was raw. He was only wearing pants and had whip marks on his back. There looked to be dozens of whip marks, each looking more horrified than the last. The only feature you could see was their hair; you saw it was midnight black, and if they pulled their head up, it would reach their shoulders. CHains wrapped around his wrists with locks, and he dangled from the ceiling.

You pulled on the handle seeing it was unlocked. The door was heavy, and you used all of your strength to pull the door open. You slowly entered the cell. The floor was stained with dried blood. You walked up to the person and saw their eyes closed, but you remembered their face. Their face was pale and thin, but you still could recognize their facial structure, even after a month. They raised their head and looked up at you. You felt shattered seeing the sparkle gone from their eyes.

   " Hey. . .How did you find me? "

   " I-I was just wandering through the halls, making sure everything was clean. I wandered too far I guess. "

   " Why are checking if everything's clean? "

   " Your father. . .he whips the maids in the morning if he finds anything untidy or messy. "

   " So, the king realizes he's losing too much staff. And now he reports to whipping them. " Quinn laughed, only to cough afterward.

   " Quinn, is this where you've been all this time? "

   " Yeah, defying my father isn't fun, but it needed to be done. "

   " Y/n, Jin, is here. "

   " What? Jin's on a mission, why would he be here in Cell Hall? "

   " He failed his mission. His team was going to raid a village that was far from Madrathia. But his team noticed how he wouldn't steal from them, and he let them keep their money. He didn't collect their tax money or kill those that opposed it. His members told my father, and then they brought him here, giving him the same treatment they gave me. Y/n. . .go get Jin out of his cell. "

   " What? "

   " Go get him out. His room is beside this one to the right. My father only comes here and he's arrogant. He left my cell unlocked because he believes we don't have any chance to get out. He likes to taunt those trapped here in Cell Hall. So, he leaves the doors unlocked, and he dangles the keys in front of us, to show we're stuck here and only he can let us out. Go and get Jin out of his cell, the keys are somewhere there. Once you get him out get him out of the castle. "

   " But, what about you? I could get you out right now and-"

   " And my father would question who would have let me out. Torture everyone in the castle, and then send a search party out for me. You can get Jin out without any of that happening. He's an assassin. They'll think he got out because of his skills because he was trained in torture tactics. He was trained to prepare for capture if he was ever taken by the enemy. So, go get him out. Leave me here. I can endure it for a little while longer. "

   " But-"

   " Please, Y/n. I don't want to see my friend tortured any longer. Get him out of here. "

You took a couple of minutes to think before you nodded, and you stood up from the cell floor. 

   " And, Y/n? "

   " Yes? "

   " Thank you. I don't know if I would have kept my sanity any longer if you didn't come to visit me tonight. Hearing Jin's muffled screams, and being starved and beaten does something to a person. So, thank you. "

   " Just. . .live, Quinn. Get out of here. "

   " I promise, I'll get out of here and I'll make it up to you somehow. "

You only nodded and left the room. You shut the door and went to the room right of Quinn's. You pulled on the door and entered the room, seeing Jin in the same state as Quinn. Except, he was unconscious. You started searching for the key, hoping Quinn was right and the king left it in the cell. You searched the floor and found it in a dark corner. When your hands grazed the key, you grabbed it and went to JIn's locks. You started to unlock his hands, and when both wrists were free, he dropped to the floor. You picked up Jin's shoulders, and his head angled downward.

   " Jin, Jin, wake up! "

You turned Jin in your arms to have him lean against you. You smacked his face a little, and he woke up a little.

   " Jin. Jin it's Y/n. You need to stand up. "

   " Y/n. . .How did you. . ."

   " I found Quinn first, and he told me you were here. I came to get you out of here. "

   " Where would I. . .go? "

   " I don't know, but I at least need to get you out of here. Let's go. "

You stood up and put Jin's arm around your neck. You stood on his feet but stumbled. You walked out of his cell and down the hall. As you walked by Quinn's door, Quinn spoke up.

   " If you run across Quintin then tell him I commanded he help you. Be quick. "

You continued down the hall and avoided places where the guards stood, and butlers were doing some late-night jobs. Jin stayed conscious, and you walked to where Quintin would be sleeping. He had his own room since he was the advisor. You knocked on Quintin's door, and you heard footsteps behind the door. When the door opened, Quintin stood with his clothes still on.

   " Y/n. . .Why is. . .What happened? "

   " Quintin, Quinn said that he demands you help us. And I'm begging you, to help Jin. "

Quintin looked between Jin and you, sighing.

   " Okay. I know where to go. "

Quintin took Jin's other arm and wrapped it around his neck. Quintin helped drag Jin out of the castle and through the back. You got outside, and Quinn pushed Jin into a cart.

   " I'll take Jin from here. Please go back inside and rest for tomorrow. "

   " Thank you, Quintin. "

Quintin didn't say anything, and walked away, carrying Jin with him into the night.

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