Chapter 29: A Warning

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The end of the month had finally approached. It seemed most of the princesses, except one, understood Quinn's wish not to marry them but to marry the one he loves. So now it was Quinn's week to determine who he would marry, and at the end of the week, a ball was to be held for Quinn to announce his final decision. But the king was unaware of his decision, and Quinn would have the week to himself.

   " So, my sister is pregnant, I am going to be officially engaged, and my mother is living freely. So far, everything sounds like it's working well, but my father is the unknown variable. " Quinn said as he looked out of the window.

You laid against Quinn in his room. Quinn found his window seat comfortable, and after he ate the lunch you delivered, he pulled you to lay against him. You were trapped within his arms as you looked outside at the scenery. Quinn's legs, too long for the window, were bent at the knee upward while you laid between his legs, with your head pressed against his chest. Quinn secured his hands around you to ensure you were comfortable and warm.

   " I am worried about what your father will do when he finds out. And you're sure there's no way to escape telling him? "

Quinn sighed and turned his gaze from the icy cold scenery to your eyes. His eyes held sorrow, and his hand rested against your cheek.

   " No, there isn't. Someone needs to take the throne, and I don't want to subject Mariella to that. Not when she is with child and is with the one whom she loves. If my father does not have a successor then the kingdom will fall, and I cannot allow my people to go through that terror. I am the only one able to take the throne, and I will in the end. "

   " I will admit I am scared of your father a little. "

   " Don't be. I will protect you. I will make sure you are not harmed. "

   " I believe you. "

Feeling unsure, you pulled your face away from Quinn's hand and rested against his chest. You were only afraid of his father a little, but you knew you would stand your ground in a time of stress. 

   " Y/n, would you take a trip with me? "

   " Where to? "

   " To visit my mother. I want to see her, and tell her of all the great news that has become apparent. She will be very excited. "

   " But we don't--"

   ' He does. '

You initially thought no one knew where Aileen was located, but then it dawned on you that Quinn did know. He was the only one who knew Aileen's true location. Aileen told everyone to spread a rumor of her departure and make it seem like she was everywhere. One person would say she was located North, while another would say she remained loyal to Madrathia and stayed. The rumors spread, making sure that her actual location was never revealed. With so many people saying Aileen was in a different place, she could never be located by the king, and she could remain in peace. 

   " You do know where she is. "

Quinn, Aileen's only son, was the person she told her true location. Aileen cared for her children too much and told Quinn her location if he would ever need her. Quinn simply had kept his lips tight and never uttered a word.

   " Yes, I do. So, why don't we visit her, before anything else happens this week? "

   " Visit her right now? But, that's not safe. There are so many things that could happen. The driver would know where we were going and would know her real location. Your father might notice you missing and-- "

   " And I have a plan. For now, go prepare a small bag, alright? "

   " What about my job? "

   " I will have it taken care of. "

   " Quinn, as much as I want to see Aileen, I still have a job to do, and I don't want to leave Genevive here. "

   " Genevive won't be going anywhere soon, and I will talk to the head maid. Everything will be settled. Trust me, my dear. "

You wanted to visit Aileen significantly, but you were unsure. You still had a job to do, and there were many risks with the idea of seeing Aileen. In addition, you did not know her location, and though Aileen loved you like family, she only wanted the location limited to the person she trusted most; her son. You sighed, stood up between Quinn's legs, and walked to the cart of empty plates.

   " Alright. Where shall I meet you? "

   " Meet me, at the small house outside, by the garden. There is a house that hasn't been used in a while, though it is dusty meet me there, and we will travel on horse from there. "

   " Okay. "

You left Quinn's room, delivering the cart back to the kitchen. You visited Genevive once more that day before walking to your room to pack. Meanwhile, Quinn had received another guest. 

   " Quinn, we need to talk. "

Quinn looked at Quintin, who walked into his bedroom with a ghost of an expression. Quinn stood up immediately from his spot on the window seat.

   " What is it? "

   " There seem to be some problems occurring in the rebellion. A small group has gathered together, to form their own rebellion. They want to move quickly and not wait. "

   " How did you find out? "

   " Jin and his friend Benjamin told me about it. They heard a small group talking at a local tavern deep in the night. This group is going to attack sooner than I know, and they do not hold the same principles as I do. I am warning you to not make any drastic moves, and you must be cautious. "

   " Well, we can't double the guards, or put more around the area. That will restrict your group from coming. "

   " I know, I know. I'm thinking through things as we speak, but this is a tough situation. "

   " Why not confront them? Make a compromise. "

   " Because these men are brutes, and do not care for a justly fight. "

   " Then, what do they want? "

   " They want the Harding family off the throne and your blood poured over the town. "

Quinn felt a shudder roll across his body, his face pale as Quintin's had. Quinn's throat tightened, and he felt sick to his stomach. 

   " And they do not care if you are going to be better than your father, or if you are going to be the same as your father. This group only cares about removing your title and spilling your blood. They only want blood, and that includes your sister and your mother. "

   " B-But my mother is gone. .  ."

   " They do not care. She has royal ties, and that makes her a target. "

Quinn stumbled, took one of his chairs, and sat down while Quintin placed his palms flat on the table. Quintin leaned forward with a hateful look on his face. Quinn knew the look wasn't meant for him but towards this new group that had formed.

   " They want blood, spilled, and they've decided that your blood is the best. "

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