Chapter 26: Back To Madrathia

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   " So, how are you doing in Madrathia? "

   " Emotionally, I am doing great. Physically, I am doing awful. "

   " How come? "

You took a sip of tea before continuing. You felt relaxed and comfortable in the garden. Elina decided to have morning tea with you on your last day before you departed. You sat beside her on the fountain, drinking tea while looking at the snow-covered ground.

   " The king has not been gracious, as you know. He's killed many people, and I witnessed him kill Ray. "

   " He killed Ray? " Elina asked, almost dropping her tea.

   " Yeah, he got angry and pushed her over the balcony. "

   " Oh my. . ."

   " Yeah, and there are so many people missing. It's getting harder and harder to survive. "

   " How are you doing it then? "

   " I have Quinn. He's been with me, and watched over me. "

   " In what way? " Elina asked in a flirty tone.

   " In a romantic way. Have I not mentioned we have been courting for months now? "

   " No! You haven't! "

Elina's expression was full of happiness and joy. Her eyes were bright, and you were glad that she looked happy. 

   " Well, we have, and it's been wonderful. He's very sweet, and I am very grateful to have him. He makes me happy, and loved. "

   " Good. I'm glad he's doing good things for you. "

   " Yes, I love him, with all my heart. "

   " Oh! That's so cute! "

You laughed at Elina and slapped her arm, but she never stopped teasing you. 

   " Excuse me, my lady, but the carriage is here to take Lady, Y/n back. "

You turned and looked at the knight that stood behind you and Elina. He wore clean, stunning armor, and his ice-blue eyes shone brightly. His light brown hair wasn't styled, but it looked perfect without being styled. He stood tall, and he kept his right hand on his sword. His posture was excellent with no flaws, and you knew that whoever this knight was, he had worked hard at his job.

   " Oh, thanks for letting me know Sam. Y/n this is Sam Sutcliff, one of the best knights here. "

   " It's a pleasure to meet you. "

   " The pleasure is all mine, my lady. " Sam said, bowing.

Elina and Sam escorted you to the carriage. All your items were already in the carriage, and you hugged Elina once more before departing from the Prosan Empire. At the castle, Quinn was sitting in his room looking at many papers. Some were information on the rebel group, and the others were papers from his books. He had written notes and kept books from the library to continue his work, not only for his father but for the rebellion. 

Princess Larissa was getting on his last piece of patience, and he knew she would not make a good queen. She did not care for people and only cared about her. Money was nothing to her except for something to wear and dress in. He couldn't wait for her to leave, and he couldn't wait for you to come back.

   " Quinn! Are you in there? Come out! "

Quinn stayed quiet and hoped that Larissa would leave him alone. He didn't fancy seeing her and hoped his silent act made her think he wasn't there. It took a minute, but he could hear her feet start running away from his door. He sighed and stood from his desk to look out of his window. The sun had set, but it didn't mean he had to sleep. Quinn preferred the night sky compared to the morning. The stars could be seen along with the moon. He looked at the dark scenery and noticed a carriage on its way to the castle. 

   ' Y/n's back! '

Quinn still felt tired but a little excited to see your carriage. He left his room and ran down the stairs to meet you at the front of the castle. Quinn did not care if anyone saw him embrace you, but he missed you. When the carriage stopped, you stepped out, gathering your things and walking up the steps. The doors to the palace burst open, and Quinn ran out, running to you. Quinn jumped at you and hugged you tightly.

   " Y/n! I missed you! " He said, dragging out his words. 

You laughed and hugged him back, dropping your things. He was like a child to you at this moment.

   " I wasn't gone that long. "

   " You were gone for a week! "

   " That's not that long! "

   " Yes, it is! "

You messed up Quinn's hair before pulling away from him. Quinn picked up your luggage and carried your things inside the palace. He walked with you to your room and set the bags down inside. Quinn let his back fall on your head and let out a long breath of air.

   " Today was Larissa Bell's last day. "

   " And how was she? "

   " Annoying. She's a spoiled brat that doesn't know the value of money. I don't think her parents have educated her on how to run a kingdom, but I'm not going to say anything else about her. "

   " Well, at least it was her last day. You have a few more to go, though. "

   " Ahh, please don't remind me. Let's just go to sleep. "

   " You can't sleep here. " You sang.

   " Please, I'm really tired, and I just want to go to sleep. "

   " Quinn--"

   " Please. " Quinn begged, wrapping his hands around your waist.

You rolled your eyes before removing his hands. Then, you turned around, sat on the bed, and lay beside him. Quinn wrapped his arms around you as you adjusted the blankets to cover you and Quinn. 

   " You are a man baby. "

   " I am fine with that, as long as I can cuddle you. "

You chuckled and relaxed your head against his chest, feeling relaxed. It wasn't long before Quinn's breaths became soft and comfy. You looked at his face and saw that he had fallen asleep. You stretched upward and kissed his jaw before laying your head back against his chest. Together you both fell asleep, forgetting about the world.

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