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"Fucking son of a bitch!" (Y/n) rubbed her shoulder where the bullet hits. "Ugh, that hurts. . ."

Yoo Jonghyuk checked the area where (Y/n) got shot, nodding in relief upon confirmation that she isn't wounded.

This is the confrontation scene in the movie, the only person that has a gun in this scene is none other than Fernand.

And fortunately, the gun only has one bullet left. . . Mercedes accidentally getting shot by that bullet, the target was originally Edmond. 

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?"

"I am going to kill that hypocritical two-faced bitch." (Y/n) muttered, glaring at Fernand not far from where they are standing, riding a horse.

"Meow." Mr.Smile hid behind (Y/n).

"Edmond Dantes, who would've thought that the infamous Count of Monte Cristo was just you all along. I must say, you did a splendid job in making us look like fools. . ."

"But I'm afraid this is where it all ends." He pulls out his sword from its handle and made the horse run towards them.

"Jonghyuk, can I kill him? I hated that bitch in both the book and the movies." (Y/n) summoned the Yil Iron Cross, gripping on the handle tightly.

"Be my guest," Yoo Jonghyuk stepped aside. (Y/n) twirled her sword, stepping forward.

"Aim for the horse first."

(Y/n) followed the Psion's advice, performing a single shot— a basic blade throwing skill. The sword hit the horse's chest, it went out of control and throw Fernand off, he hit the ground harshly.

[ The constellation 'Tirek' made an exaggerated gasp ]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' laughed ]

[ The constellation 'Chrysalis' has her thumbs up ]

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' tells you not to give him him a fast and painless death ]

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' agrees with the constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' ]

(Y/n) approached Fernand, he tried to reach for his sword but (Y/n) stabbed his hand with Ikel. He grunts, shaking as he looks up at (Y/n).

"Mercy, Mercedes." He spoke, "What happened to your mercy?"

(Y/n) summoned her sword, Yil. Vines started to surround Fernand's body much to his surprise. They lifted him off the ground, changing his position so that he's kneeling infront of (Y/n).

"I'm an incarnation. . ." (Y/n) said, preparing to strike.

"Not a saint." (Y/n) delivered a diagonal slash followed by an upward strike.

Blood has splattered around and some went on her face, Fernand fell on the ground, eyes wide open, life taken.

[The theater owner is satisfied with the changed ending of the movie.]

"The owner of this dungeon is a complete psychopath."

"Meow." Mr.Smile nods in agreement.

"I know that already, Psion." (Y/n) spoke, wiping the blood off her face.

"My name is not Psion. That is the name of my species."

"Oh, what is your name then?" (Y/n) asked.

"I don't have one. I was captured before my old master could give me a name."

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' looks down ]

[ The constellation 'Celestia' hugs the constellation 'Serpent of Eden' ]

[ The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is saddened]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' is giving the constellation 'Asahi' nasty glares ]

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' says that the constellation 'Asahi' is a monster ]

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' rolls their eyes at the constellation 'Asahi' ]

[ The constellation 'Asahi' huffed in annoyance ]

"I'll give you a name then." (Y/n) affirmed.

"How about Lideo?" Now that has caught Yoo Jonghyuk's attention.


The Psion asked confusedly. Mr.Smile seemed to be grinning from ear to ear, his name finally suited him.

"Why would you name me reader? I don't even know how to read."

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' whistles]

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' sips on his tea ]

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' and 'Spirit of Chaos' shared an emotional hug ]

[ The constellations 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' and 'Celestia' shared a toast ]

[ The constellation 'Ruler of Lithurgia' sips on her tea as well ]

. . .

(Y/n) bit the inside of her cheek. Yoo Jonghyuk raises a questioning eyebrow at her and (Y/n) gives her a 'what?' look.

"I did not know that's what it means." (Y/n) lied, as if anyone would really believe that statement.

[ The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' tells you to stop lying ]

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' says that you're a bad liar ]

Yoo Jonghyuk deadpan, "It's Korean."

"Fuck." (Y/n) cursed under her breath. She just thought of something random to name the Psion.

"How about Chytach?" She asked, finding the made-up name quite good.

"That still means reader." Yoo Jonghyuk said from beside her.


"Still means reader."

"For fuck's sake! I'll call you Duzhe then." (Y/n) exclaimed, frustrated.

There was no answer from the Psion, (Y/n) has no idea why for a moment before realization hits her.

"Don't say it. . ." She muttered, already having a clue on what their answer could possibly be.

"Duzhe is reader in Chinese."

Mr.Smile was snickering from behind (Y/n)— at least, that's what it looks like.

"How?!!" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. She spat out a random name and they all turned out to be different versions of 'reader'.

"Honestly, you might as well just call them 'Dokja'." Yoo Jonghyuk stated.

[ The constellation 'Celestia' is pursing her lips ]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' chuckles ]

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' chortle ]

. . .

"Fuck!! It wasn't on purpose, I just thought of some random names."

(Y/n) let out a very audible sigh, "Why am I even trying to explain myself?" She shook her head and tched.

"How about you name them?" (Y/n) asked Yoo Jonghyuk.

"I'm not good with names." He said.

"What about Orochimaru? No way in hell it means 'reader'."

"I like it."

"Now I miss watching Naruto."

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