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Suddenly (Y/n) found the ceiling pretty interesting.

'Wow, I need to find the creators of this masterpiece. Are they even alive? They should be, so I can personally thank them for building the ceiling. My emotions are everywhere right now.'

"(Y/n)!" She turned to Kim Dokja who shouted her name. He got up from the floor where he was once seated and is approaching her, Mr.Smile following behind.

(Y/n) does not know what to do or if she should move so she just stayed still.

"Uhm, hi—" She did not get to finish what she was about to say cause Kim Dokja enveloped her in a bone-crushing hug, and at the moment— she could not breathe.

She stiffened, not expecting the sudden action.

[ The constellation 'Celestia' stood up from her seat and ran towards the constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' in order to not get hurt by the constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' ]

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' slaps the constellation 'Tirek's arm, repeatedly ]

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' is making popcorn for everyone ]

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' wiped a fake tear of happiness]

[ The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is doubtful that the reunion would be happy, they're hopeful tho ]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' is trying to get away from the constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' ]

[ The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is silent ]

[ The constellation 'Celestia' is waiting for something to happen ]

"Are you alright?" Kim Dokja asked. He really has the audacity to ask that when he's literally crushing her.

"No. I'm not alright, my ribs are going to break any second— and that's coming from someone with incredibly high stats." She felt his arms around her loosen.

"Is something wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked, noticing her toneless voice. It wasn't her usual toneless voice, he knows this one was different. He examined her face for any kind of emotion but he found none.

She just looks tired, fortunately he does not see any wounds or cuts. He reckoned that the scenario went well.

(Y/n) thought of what to respond, looking directly at Kim Dokja's worried expression. Would someone look like that if they lied to someone?

'How can I stay mad at this man?' (Y/n) internally grunted.

There has been a huge debate going on in her mind. It is wether to lash out or act normal.

Obviously the latter is now out of picture because Kim Dokja noticed that something was odd very quickly.

Breathing out a sigh, she asked, "How long?"

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' dropped her popcorn ]

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' is watching intently]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' says it's about time for some drama ]

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' says that they aren't sure if they're ready to witness some drama ]

[ The constellation 'Asahi' says she hates drama ]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' tells the constellation 'Asahi' to shut up ]

"What?" Kim Dokja asked, extremely confused about why (Y/n) is acting strange.

"How long do you plan on fooling me?" She asked, taking his arms off her.

"I don't know what you're talking about. . ." Kim Dokja muttered. He is both dumbfounded and somewhat hurt— even though he wasn't exactly sure why.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked.

(Y/n) clenched her fist, "What the hell do you think?!"

Yoo Sangah and Lee Hyunsung flinched, not expecting the sudden change of atmosphere.

Jung Heewon arrived with a smug look, about to tease (Y/n) but that expression soon changes into one of confusion upon hearing the girl's shout.

"I don't get it, why are you mad at me?" (Y/n) did not answer, not when everyone is around.

Kim Dokja thought of a reason why (Y/n) is acting the way she's acting right now.

"Did you and Yoo Jonghyuk talked about something? What happened in the scenario?"

Yoo Jonghyuk wasn't there to help (Y/n) complete the Psion scenario before.

"What did you guys talked about?" He questioned. He somehow feels so small under (Y/n)'s harsh glare.

He does not know what he did wrong and why the woman was so mad but he doesn't like seeing her angry. . . especially when that anger is directed towards him.

"That isn't any of your business." She muttered. The statement made his heart shake. "What we've talked about back there would be kept to ourselves."

"Tell me what I did so I'd know what I did wrong!" He raised his voice unexpectedly, surprising the others.

"I trusted you! I fucking trusted you!" (Y/n) raised her voice as well.

"I fucking trusted you. . ." (Y/n) whispered. "Tell me what would you even get from lying to me? If it wasn't for that freaking scenario then I would've never known!"

"The reason for my death is something unclear. You know that, don't you?" She asked, voice so low to barely be called a whisper.

Kim Dokja realizes what she was talking about. He knew he messed up. How would he even explain what is up?

He glanced to the side, as though he would find the answers written on a fucking wall.

His chin was grabbed harshly and he was forced to face (Y/n), he turned red because of their close proximity. He tried to look away due to embarrassment only for (Y/n) to force him to look at her again.

"Avoiding eye contact in a conversation is rude," (Y/n) spoke. Kim Dokja remembered hearing the same statement. . . it was when they first met at the train.

However, he did not remember being this flustered. He know he shouldn't be, not when the person giving him butterflies looks like she's resisting the urge to kill him.

He tried to look nowhere but her eyes.

"(Y/n)-ssi, wh—"

"Yoo Sangah." (Y/n) speaks over the woman, not averting her gaze from Kim Dokja, she said, "I am not talking to you."

(Y/n) then realized how mean that sounded and added, "Please stay out of this."

She turned her attention back at the man infront of her. "Do you plan on having me fucking wrapped around your fingers?"

"No!" Kim Dokja quickly replied.

"Then what was your reason for lying if not trying to manipulate me or some other shit?"

"You don't understand. I wasn't lying to you, I. . ." Kim Dokja could not find the words to say.

Technically, he did lie to her. . . by telling her an uncomplete story, that is.


Because he doesn't want her to fall in love with Yoo Jonghyuk.

Now that he thinks about it, that reason sounded kind of selfish.

"Companions?" (Y/n) asked, then scoffed. Kim Dokja looks at her, waiting for what she's going to say next. He didn't realize that her next words would be. . .

"I fucking hate you."

And that's all it takes to shatter Kim Dokja's heart. Imagine hearing those words from your favorite character, and the person you care about most.

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