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(Y/n) threw her blade at the tower's wall, creating a huge crack. She kicked it to make an exit.

The first thing that she saw was the Psion, it is a giant white snake with red eyes. It is comparable to the Basilik in Harry Potter. . . but it was bigger, it was half- if not more than-  the size of the tower of illusion.

Yoo Jonghyuk stood in the middle of the field, he has been affected by the mental attack and is fighting a giant tarantula inside his head. Whenever the spider landed a hit on him, he could feel it.

The Psion's mental attack are powerful, enough to damage the physical body as it does to the mind.

(Y/n) summoned vines and wrapped them on the Psion's head, covering its eyes and blinding him.

"Jonghyuk!" Upon losing sight on the target, the effects of the mental attack would cease.

She ran towards Yoo Jonghyuk who looked utterly exhausted. He was panting heavily with closed eyes.

He felt hands on both his cheek and slowly opened his eyes to see a panicked and apologetic (Y/n).

"Sorry for being late. Are you alright? Are you hurt?!" (Y/n) checked for any injury.

Yoo Jonghyuk could not help but stare, this level of concern from her is something he isn't used to.

The (Y/n) that he knew is a serious and calm person who rarely lose her composure but is very dangerous when angry. She does not find the need to care if she isn't involved in things.

And she may have been worried but shows very subtle signs.

This sudden change in her personality has got him asking what happened. And was Kim Dokja the cause for this change?

"Jonghyuk! Are you okay? Give me a response." (Y/n) muttered, shaking him.

"I'm fine." He replied. He could hear her very audible sigh of relief despite the Psion roaring loudly due to being blinded by the vines.

The Psion is trying to remove them but that wouldn't be possible since it is a snake.

(Y/n) noticed a sword buried on the Psion's chest, or was it the neck?

That was the sword used to capture him. It is the reason why he was bound in this place for eternity to watch over people's precious memories. Of course, it could be removed.

And that's exactly what (Y/n) is going to do.

"The Psion may not be able to see anything, but its senses are enhanced. It would only be a matter of time before it calms down and hunt us."

"We'd have to kill it before it kills us." Yoo Jonghyuk spoke, clearly irked.

"No. Although killing it is possible, it is very difficult. The Psion can regenerate, and it can become transparent so physical attacks are useless." (Y/n) explained, grabbing Yoo Jonghyuk's wrist to keep him from attacking the struggling monster.

She stretch her other hand towards the direction of the Psion and then clenched it into a tight fist. Vines surrounded the Psion's body, it struggled to free itself and fell to the ground.

Soon the vines were slowly being removed due to the Psion's strength, (Y/n) kept on replacing the vines to keep the monster restrained.

"If you keep this up, you will run low on both stamina and magic power." Yoo Jonghyuk notified, looking down on his wrist that is still within her grasp.

"We'd have to do it quickly then." (Y/n) winced at the loud shriek from the Psion.

"What's your plan?" He asked.

"We will negotiate with it." (Y/n) smiled. Yoo Jonghyuk looks at her like she was stupid— she's not stupid. Maybe at certain times, but not this time.

"Negotiate?" Yoo Jonghyuk asked her, unimpressed.

"I'm dead serious, lo. . . dang it— why do I use endearments when talking to you?!"

Yoo Jonghyuk raises an eyebrow at this, "You said you use endearments unconsciously." He smirked.

"Oh. . ." (Y/n) muttered, realizing her mistake. She clicked her tongue in mild annoyance, "Dammit."

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' says that it's impressive that humans could still flirt despite a current serious predicament ]

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' deadpan ]

[ The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is smirking]

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' is conversing with the constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' about their otp ]

[ The constellation 'Ruler of Lithurgia' is shaking their head ]

[ The constellations 'Celestia' and 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is just chilling with their ice cones ]

"It doesn't matter," (Y/n) dismissed, now only realizing that she's still holding his wrist and letting go of it. . . discreetly.

Scratch that— she let go of it like she was burned by some hellfire.

"Anyway, as I was saying, we're going to negotiate." (Y/n) approached the Psion, its head was on the ground due to the vines restraining it. It growled at her when it heard movements coming towards him.

"Come now, no need to be hostile buddy. There really is no need for us to fight." The Psion tried to reach her with his mouth, attempting to bite her head off. Its mouth were enclosed with vines.

"I know you can easily escape. Why don't you get out of these vines? Obviously, you're curious about what I have to say, ne?" She whispered.


Yoo Jonghyuk was a bit taken aback by the Psion's voice, and the fact that it fucking talks. He glanced at (Y/n) who was smiling from ear to ear.

"How would you like. . . to become my familiar?"

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