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"What makes you think that?" Kim Dokja asked, his hands were up in the air.

"When his name was mentioned, you made a certain reaction. He's the hitman that the man bitch was talking about, am I right? You seem to know him well from my observation." (Y/n) shoved him back when she felt the stares of many.

"And if I do know him?" Kim Dokja asked, already aware of what her answer would be.

"Give me a brief description of that person." (Y/n) demanded.

"You seem interested, a little too much." He commented. Yoo Sangah and the others were looking at them back and forth as they exchange words.

"He has my cat. Also, he seems like an interesting person and that girl says he knows me." (Y/n) pointed at Yoo Sangah who pointed her index finger to herself.

"Yoo Jonghyuk is someone you shouldn't associate yourself with."

(Y/n) was a bit taken aback. She coughed on her fist to hide her shock.

"My future, you said you wanted to change it. I had a terrible fate isn't that right? Don't tell me he's the cause of that?" She leaned in and whispered. Kim Dokja said nothing.

"So I'm right? Oh my god, did I die? Did that guy killed me?" She whispered again.

"He didn't." Kim Dokja answered. (Y/n) died from a lethal poison in one of the special scenarios— she took it to save someone.

(Y/n) sighed in relief— if only she knew.

(Y/n) felt her head pounding, she winced and rubbed it with her fingers. "It's happening again. Fuck it hurts," she whispered, walking away from Kim Dokja to sit on one of the benches.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jung Heewon asked.

Kim Dokja furrowed his eyebrows, her having headaches was often mentioned in the novel. He was going to ask if she's alright but a person grabbed him.

“Hey, is the rumour true?”

“Are you really monopolizing the food?”

“Are you going to eat it all when there is enough to share with everyone?”

“We are all staying here! Why are you the only one to have it?”

“Leave the food to Inho-ssi! He will distribute it fairly!”

(Y/n) looked up too see a group of people surrounding Kim Dokja, raising their voice at him that triggered her headache more. She hates loud noises.

"Ugh, what's with all the yelling?" She leaned back on the bench, the headache was taking longer this time. It usually takes only seconds, perhaps because of stress?

[ The constellation 'Celestia' is asking what's happening to you ]

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' has snorted ]

[ The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is telling you to watch the commotion]

"I already know what is happening. That man bitch, I hope he dies soon."

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' wished for the same thing ]

[ 300 coins has been sponsored]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' says that he could not stand Cheon Inho's face ]

[ 200 coins has been sponsored]

"Who are you talking about, (Y/n)?" Asked Jung Heewon who was still beside her.

"Oh, you're here. I was talking about that two-faced jerk Cheon Inho. I want to see him trip over nothing and have a knife buried in his throat."

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' likes the idea ]

[ 300 coins has been sponsored]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' likes the sound of it ]

[ 200 coins has been sponsored]

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' was looking for something more creative]

[ 100 coins has been sponsored]

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' is aking if the constellations are being serious]

[ The constellation 'Celestia' watched as the other constellations discuss the fall of the character 'Cheon Inho' ]

Just as the people became heated up, Cheon Inho comes forward.

(Y/n) noticed Jung Heewon's deathly stare at the man. She gets her, who wouldn't hate that BITCH.

"Ugh, I can't stand him." (Y/n) spoke, grabbing a can of soda from the tote bag and drinking it in one gulp. She burped loudly and crumpled the can using her hand, sending a sharp gaze on the man who was about to spill his bullshit.

“Ahh, everyone. Calm down. There seems to be a misunderstanding. Kim Dokja-ssi isn’t such a person.”

"Kim Dokja-ssi decided to work with us. The food he brought today will be left to the mainstream group and will be shared fairly."

"Oh hell no, not that BITCH telling lies." (Y/n) stood up her seat only to fall back down due to her damn headache. "Of all the damn times I could get a headache. . . why does it have to be now?! Shit!" She threw the can at a random direction that was about to hit Yoo Sangah who was watching what was happening intently.

"Shit! Look out!" (Y/n) ran and catched the crushed can before it can hit Yoo Sangah face. She was fast enough thanks to her raised stats.

"My hand slipped." (Y/n) spoke.

"Wow, you're so fast." Yoo Sangah commented.

"He also promised to continue to work with us—"


“Of course I will give out food.” Cheon Inho’s lips curve upwards. But people should listen to the end.

“However, it isn’t for free.”

“W-Wait a minute! It isn’t free?”

“I’ll tell you. I don’t intend to monopolize the food. But I won’t give food to Cheon Inho’s group. I’m not UNICEF and I don’t trust them.” Kim Dokja smiled at Cheon Inho.

"Pfft— shit, he amazes me every time." (Y/n) laughed, hard. She was laughing at the face that Cheon Inho was making. She wrapped an arm around Yoo Sangah for support while still laughing her ass off.

Yoo Sangah is wondering how she could laugh in such a serious situation.

“I will make a deal with you. I will sell you the food for a fair price.”



“Uh, how much…money?” In the distance, Kim Dokja could see Cheon Inho’s face stiffening. He laugh as he faced him.

“No, I only accept coins.”

"I *laugh* can't HAHAHAH . . . I'm gonna die from *laugh* . . die from laughing! The man bitch's face! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man. . "

Yoo Sangah patted her back as she tries to calm herself down.

When Kim Dokja went back to their little group, (Y/n) gave him a high five.

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