Chapter 3: First Lesson

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I looked up at Queen Vera.

"What can I do to help?" I asked

"Well, nothing, unless you can shrink them. None of the Spring Queens have been able to do that since the dawn of time."

I focused my energy into an opposite way from laughter, and I heard a shrinking sound.

"What did you do?" Queen Vera asked

"I did what you told me to do, hopefully." I looked out the window, and all of the plants were down to normal size.

"How did you do that?" Summer asked

"Well, I'd tell you but I'm not really sure myself."

"Well I suppose now would be as good a time as any to tell you to give a name to yourself." Queen Vera said.

"A name?"

"Why, yes, we do need to call you something other than Princess of Spring. The last one was named Flora, though I did prefer when she was called Rose."

"I will think about it and get back to you."

"A very diplomatic answer, are you sure you aren't my daughter?"

"Very, Vera."

"Meet me out in the garden when you are finished."

"Yes, Queen Vera."

I sat on Summer's bed for a bit, and then left to the garden when she announced that she had to go to school. When I got to the garden, I saw that the plants seemed healthier than before. I bent down to touch a hibiscus.

"This is my garden, and if you harm it again, there will no longer be a springtime." Queen Vera said behind me

"Sorry, Queen Vera. I was just-"

"I don't want excuses. Let's just hurry along with the lesson, and don't think of coming to my daughter during the day."

"Why not?"

"Because she will be in school. Something you will not see until next week."

"Yes, Queen Vera."

"Now, show me what you can do."

I felt like I shouldn't reveal what I thought I might be able to do, so I wouldn't frighten her. So I just grew a very large daisy from the ground.

"Congratulations. You grew a flower." Her voice sounded as though she wasn't very impressed. "Now, show me what you can really do."

"That's really the extent of my powers, Vera."

"No, I don't think so. You made every plant in a 1 mile radius shoot up above people's heads. I think you can grow more than a daisy."

I did what I was told, and had the vines she was trying to have grow over her pergola crawl up slowly and grow rose buds. The pergola was completely covered.

"Very good, very good. Now try to use it as a force" She sent a hot wave through my body, and my skin started turning red. I tried to call to my vines to help, but I couldn't think of anything but the pain. Finally I let myself give in.

"You are pathetic. All of that power in you, and you can't even use it as a defense. You will try harder, you will or that was just the preview of what I will do to you."

"Why are you so cruel to me?"

"You think this is cruel? Wait until you meet the Winter King. I am a cuddly teddy-bear compared to that guy."

"I think I will rest now."

"No, you won't. We will do this until you can use it as a defense."

And we did. At the last trial I sent the vines to suffocate her, and they did until she passed out. I decided to make her and me some tea.

When I came back out, she was rubbing her head and attempting to get off the ground.



I handed her a cup and she sat down.

"Why did you almost kill me?"

"I wasn't attempting to kill you, just use the vines as a defense like you told me."

"Well, Princess, next time don't try so hard."

"You no longer need to call me Princess."

"Have you decided on your name?"

"Yes." I said

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