Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I was getting dressed again to meet up with Taylor. Last night was really fun. All we did was kiss and then I sucked on her neck for a little bit. That was it, like I said before I just got out of a bad relationship and I wasn't having sex for a long time. Taylor said we weren't going nowhere special so I tossed on a tank top that showed my belly button ring, some sweats, and a pair of Jordan's. I grabbed my purse as I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was Taylor but it was Trinity standing with a group of girls. They picked the right time because I was definitely dressed for a fight. I put my purse down in the apartment and stepped in the hallway with the other girls and shutting my door.

Trinity: So you about that life huh bitch

Maria: So your brought your bitches here to fight me

Trinity: This is my cousin Martha and Martha this is the bitch I have a problem with now

I looked Martha up and down. She was fat as hell and twice my size. She looked as if she just came out of jail. Compared to her I was a midget. I suddenly seen girls around pulling out they're video cameras. I guess they thought they are going to film me get my ass kicked. Suddenly Martha tried to kick me. I grabbed her leg picked her up and slammed her to the ground. Everyone jaw dropped. I got on top of her and started punching her in the face. Suddenly I was being pulled off by Taylor. Jazmin also looked shocked.

Taylor: What the hell is going on

Maria: Bitch wanted a fight so she got it. She trying to sick her cousin on me thinking I want Jazmin. Well guess what bitch your cousin got her ass beat and now that you seen what I can do keep fucking with me. What shawty fails to recognize is that if you keep acting like a crazy jealous bitch one day she will stray

Trinity: Bitch I don't need advice from your you. With your immigrant ass. I bet you're ass is here illegal.

Maria: One of you get this bitch before I do

Taylor: Okay chill Jaz can you control her

Jazmin: I don't even know what's going on but Trinity help your cousin her nose is bleeding and then get your friends out of here and you and I need to talk

Everyone started walking away and I open the door and went back inside. I was pissed right now and I was ready to fight again. I dare somebody to fuck with me. Taylor followed me inside my apartment and shut the door.

Taylor: Are you good

Maria: Yeah I'll be fine

Taylor: Where you learn to fight like that

Maria: I'm black belt in karate, I used to do kick boxing, I was on the wrestling team in my high school, I was on the boxing team in my college, I used to martial arts for fun, and I lived in a very dangerous neighborhood when I lived in Brooklyn

Taylor: Should I be scared

Maria: Lol no

I walked up to Taylor and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me and backed me up into a wall. This girl was a good kisser. After a few minutes we pulled away. I smiled as she opened the door. I grabbed my purse and we left.

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