The Lair

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Morning arose and I woke up slightly leaning on Rayla's shoulder. I blushed and quickly stood up after Nyx called us "love bugs" or some crap. Zym got defensive and went in front of us, lightning sparking from his body. Nyx backed away, showing slight fear in her eyes.

Callum calmed down Zym and Nyx explained that we were only a days journey to the Dragon Queen's lair. She described the lair as really tall and pointy, saying it pierced the clouds.


Nyx's mount lead us to a forest where it lowered its head so we could jump safely onto the ground.

"So uhm, thanks for not killing me. Y'know, for conning you, betraying you, stealing your dragon and leaving you in the desert.." Nyx nervously laughed after she landed in front of us.

Everyone gave her a dirty look and she flew off back to her ambler.


After a long walk, we finally arrived to what looked like the lair. A giant stone-like statue was in the shape a dragon facing the lair. Callum called it a statue but Rayla noted that it was indeed, not a statue. Zym whimpered in Callum's arms and Callum reassured him that everything would be alright.

Screeching was heard from above and out of the clouds was Phoe-Phoe. She lowered her head and showed Ezran and Bait.

'Damn this is going to be awkward..' I thought. I mean, I did try killing him.

"Zym! I missed you so much!" He said, Zym falling into his arms.

"Ezran?" Callum & Rayla said.

"Callum! Rayla!" He yelled, going in for a hug. I just stood off to the side, hoping he didn't notice me.

"Y/n.." He said after seeing me. I waved slightly. He noticed my wooden leg and some realization hit him but he didn't say anything.

"What are you doing here?!" Rayla asked, he answered that being king wasn't for him.

Callum then made sure Ezran wasn't hurt or anything. A groan was heard behind us and Phoe-Phoe fell to the ground.

"She flew me the whole way here. Shes so tired but didn't stop when I told her she could. You did so good Phoe-Phoe.." He said to the phoenix.

She let out her last breath and her head dropped. Ez gasped and hugged her while tears streamed down his face. "You've got to be okay, you promised me.."

Callum put a hand on his shoulder and hugged him. Phoe-Phoe's body started to glow a bright teal and the glow turned into blue fire which had spread all around her. The flames conjoined together in the air, creating one single feather. It landed on top of the ashes left over from the fire.

"She is going to be okay, she's a moon phoenix! When the time is right, she'll be reborn!" Ez said, smiling at the feather in his hand.


Ez ran around, chasing Zym while Callum stared up at the so-called statue. He expressed his feeling about the stone dragon.

"I don't know how to feel about this, should i feel glad that we got revenge? I mean, that was Zym's dad.. I feel so sorry that all this had happened." He sighed.

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