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"We have to stop her before they get too far into the desert!" Rayla yelled.

"She must've untied our mounts, I don't see them anywhere!" Callum said, looking at the spot they used to be in.

Rayla let out a whistle once she spotted them. They were outside the protective circle, fighting with a snake of some sort.

One of the mounts didn't get back in the circle and was still pacing around the sand. Rayla went after it.

She sliced one of the snakes and before she could do the same to the other, it had already bitten the mount, draining its color. It then ran off into the desert.

Rayla made a run for it to get back inside the circle and barely got in due to a snake almost biting her boot.

"We can't make it out there, it's too dangerous." She said, glancing back at the desert.


After Callum almost falling off our ride, Rayla began tracking Nyx and Zym using the Ambler's hoof prints. We finally spotted Nyx's ride after an hour or two of following tracks. It's foot was stuck so Rayla took that as a chance to catch up to Nyx.

Nyx seemed to noticed us gaining on her and she frantically tried pushing the ambler's hoof out of the ground faster. One it was freed, she flew up to its head to direct it away from us.

Once we got closer, Rayla jumped onto the ambler's leg and started climbing. She motioned for me to climb on to, holding her hand out.

"C'mon Y/n, i'll catch you!" She yelled.

"Damn it fine!" I yelled back, trying to find the courage to jump off the mount.

Once I did, it was hard for my prosthetic to grip onto the amler's leg. Rayla noticed and hoisted me up so I could climb better. She motioned for Callum to jump on as well, holding her hand out again. He latched on, leaving our mount running up next to us.

We finally climbed onto the saddle, Rayla making an entrance by jumping high into the air and landing in front of Nyx. I was left gasping her air, but able to fall into the saddle. I then helped an equally tired Callum up onto the saddle as well.

Rayla pointed her blades towards Nyx. "Hand him over, Nyx."

"Hah! You think you have me cornered, don't you? You've forgotten something." Nyx said, falling backwards. She came back up flying with Zym in her hands.

"What are we going to do?!" Callum asked, trying to figure out a way to get Zym back.

"Wait, look over there!" Rayla yelled, pointing towards a couple sparks in the sky.

Zym had been zapping Nyx and after one final blow, she went down. Zym started to fly towards us.

Callum worriedly looked where Nyx fell while Rayla threw a rope over the edge of the saddle. She grabbed both of us and yelled 'here we go'  before jumping off the edge.

"Dang it Rayla! I hate heights!" I yelled at her as we were swinging off the ambler.

I didn't know when we were going to reach ground so I hurriedly drew a rune in the air with my fingers and whispered a chant.

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