Chapter 12

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"Tom, are you sure she's up for this. Paparazzi will follow you all the time, especially when they know you're dating. You can't run off here every time they follow you."
"I know mom. I told her this would happen frequently. This time I only wanted to protect her from them. It's all so new to her-"
"Protecting her or yourself? Remember Taylor-"
"Yes I remember and I don't need to be reminded of that, thanks!"
"Thomas I am just trying to tell you something. The longer you keep this a secret to the world and your fans, the more they will stalk and follow you. They need answers-"
"It's still our life mother! I decide when my fans, the world, knows what happens to me."
Diana had fell silent. I heard her sigh and someone walk up the stairs.

I quickly closed the door of Tom's old bedroom and sat back down on the bed. This was probably not something I was suppose to hear, but I did. Could it be that his relationship with Taylor made him this private about his life? I completely get that, but is that what I want? Honestly it might be all easier if we just came out as a couple instead of running away. It gives a wrong impression. Should I talk to him about it-

"Hazel, you up", Tom asked as he opened the door. He saw me sitting on his bed and looked down. He knew I had heard him talking to his mother, about us. 
"You've heard us", he said. It wasn't a question. He knew the answer.
"Hazel I am just trying to protect you", he started to explain himself.
"I know you are and I am grateful that you do. But your mother made a point. Is this because of Taylor?"
"A little yes. I don't want to push anything. I don't want to throw you into the mess the press makes. I want you to feel happy and safe."
"Tom I knew this was part of what I signed up for. You're famous, followed by millions of people. I am one of them. I am ready for it. When you are too, we can tell the world."
"This is why I love you."
I raised an eyebrow. Now I was eager to know what he was going to say.
"You sacrifice yourself for others, for me."
"You make it sound like I will get beheaded", I laughed.
"Oops", he chuckled. 

He sat down next to me. His hands rested on my thighs.
"I love you Hazel", he whispered.
"I love you Tom."

Without any further ado he pressed his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and melted in his embrace. He moaned a little as he leaned more in to lay me down onto the bed, bringing him on top. The door opened again. Bobby jumped on the bed. Better said, on us!
"Oopsies, I am so sorry to interrupt", Diana said, "I made breakfast."
Tom got excited and stood up. He called Bobby and followed his mother down the stairs.
"Come on sleepyhead. Let's eat", he teased as he leaned back, just his head in the doorway. I scoffed and got up. Diana had prepared a whole buffet, for a king I would say.
"Eat as much as you can. There's plenty."

Tom got an email. He was eager to check it. His expression became worried. He sighed and scooped some eggs on this fork.
"What's up", I asked him. He looked at me and then to his mother.
"I need to leave soon" he started, "Shooting fot Marvel."
"Where to?"
"New York."

I sank down in my seat. This would be the first time I would have to leave him for a while. "It would be like the old days", I thought. 
"Hazel, I tried to convince them to shoot in England, that was why I had that meeting. But since the studios are in New York, I have to leave."
"It's okay. Don't worry about me. When are you leaving?"
"Next Monday."
I nodded and checked my phone. Mary hadn't put me in the planner to work that day.
"I can drop you off in the airport if you like? Mary gave me a day off."
"That would be lovely."

Tom was ready with packing his suitcase. He checked his flying tickets and sighed.
"Are you okay", I asked as I leaned in the doorway.
"I don't know. Are you going to be?"
"Yes, don't worry about me. I am going to be working, hang out with friends-"
"Carter", he asked softly.
"Maybe. Don't worry, I am yours", I stepped closer to him. He looked down and chuckled a little. Realizing how jealous it made him sound. 
"I know you are", he spoke. He leaned down and kissed me slowly. 
"Come, let's leave."

I will always love you - Tom Hiddleston fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now