Chapter 11

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I woke up. Tom was gone. I put on his shirt and ran down the stairs. I found Bobby eating out of his bowl. I peaked my head through the kitchen door, hoping to find him there, but he wasn't. Then I shouted his name.
"Tom", I called. No answer. I walked into the kitchen and found a note on the counter.

My sweet Hazel

Sorry for this. Sorry that I am not here to hold you in my arms when you wake up. I got a last minute message to attend an urgent meeting. I had to leave.

I will make it up to you ❤️

Yours forever

I sighed and laid the note back on the counter. I opened the fridge and found a plate with food on it. There was another note.

My feelings were correct and you are looking into my fridge 😃

Here's some breakfast I made for you. There's milk, tea, coffee... Make yourself at home.

Yours forever

I giggled and took out the plate he made for me. I made tea and went to the dinner table. I sat down and began to eat. I opened the chat with Tom on my phone and typed a message.

H: Found the notes and the food! It's really good Thomas. I love you❤️

T: Glad you did. Enjoy love. I'll be back soon.

I finished eating and cleaned up the table. I did the dishes, put everything back, while struggling to open the cupboards. Why does this man need to be so tall? I checked my phone and got a message from Britt.

B: wanna hang out?

H: when and where?

B: my place right now!

H: I'm still at Tom's and Bobby needs to go out? Can I take him with me?

B: Tom? always *smirk*

H: BOBBY! Tom's at a meeting 😭

B: of course, take him with you!

"Bobby, we're going to a visit to auntie Britt", I told the cocker spaniel. He looked up from his bowl and began to get excited. I ran back upstairs and took a shower. I got back dressed and called Bobby for a walk. I took his dog harness and wrapped the leash around my waist.
"God I look like Tom right now", I giggled. I checked the house if everything's alright and we left.

We walked to Britt's place. Bobby did his things quickly. We arrived at her place and she opened the dog eagerly.
"Hi Bobby", she giggled as she knelt down to pet him. We entered her place and made ourselves comfortable. I undid his leash and he went right to the kitchen!

"What are you making", I asked Britt as I smelled something coming from the kitchen.
"Popcorn", she replied. She ran to the kitchen. I ran after her.
"What's the occasion", I asked.
"I thought we might watch a movie together."
"Marvel", I smirked.
"Of course- No, wait! I bought Crimson Peak recently!"
"Oh my god", I blushed. We've all seen that scene with of him and Edith, in bed... half naked...

We put the popcorn in a bowl and hopped in the couch. Britt started Crimson Peak and our 'date' began. It was the dancing scene between Edit and Thomas, and Britt gave me a little push.
"Ha- ha", I laughed, slightly annoyed too. Then the kiss came and of course she had to bully me when their sex scene came up. 

I will always love you - Tom Hiddleston fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now