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Frank was waiting patiently on Gerard's arrival. When he had replied to his text, he'd asked if Gerard could come to his, as he didn't want to risk running into Mikey. Gerard told him that Mikey would be fine with everything, but he just wanted to talk to Gerard and not have to deal with anyone else right now.

He was replaying the whole incident with Adam over and over in his head. He felt so guilty. He hadn't meant to hurt him, but he honestly couldn't have continued in that relationship for much longer, even without meeting Gerard. He had just been the reason for him ending it sooner than he probably would have done otherwise. He didn't like to admit it to himself, but aside from feeling guilty about Adam's reaction, he was also a little frightened of it. He hadn't done anything in particular to make Frank fear him, but he could just be incredibly intimidating at times. Frank felt weak. Weak and pathetic that he had allowed himself to be treated the way he had for all these months.

Just as he was getting himself in a state all over again, he heard a knock at the front door.

He was opening it before he'd even registered that he'd walked over to it, and the sight of Gerard on the other side of it was enough to set off a fresh batch of tears; tears of both relief and happiness.

Gerard instantly pulled Frank into an almost bone crushing embrace before he even had the chance to say hello. He just held him there, tight to his chest. Frank let out a huge exhale and felt his shoulders release some of the tension they'd been holding, before wrapping his arms around the other and clinging on to him. Once he felt like his breathing was under control and his tears were beginning to dry, he loosened his hold on him slightly, allowing Gerard to hold him at arms length.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a real look of concern in his face.

"I am now" Frank smiled before leaning back into Gerard's chest and putting his arms around him once more.

He felt Gerard kiss the top of his head and nearly cried all over again. He didn't though. He simply looked up at him and offered a smile that he hoped showed how thankful he was for the small gesture.

"Come on!" Gerard said. "Let's sit and you can tell me all about it.

Frank nodded and led Gerard into his living room where they both sat side by side and Gerard held Frank's hand. He gave a little squeeze to encourage him to talk.

Once Frank started talking he just couldn't stop. He told Gerard all about Adam's reaction yes, but he also found himself spewing out all the other details of their relationship. It was almost like therapy to him, and Gerard just let him talk and talk, offering a comforting nod or hand squeeze along the way. When Frank came to a stop, he began to feel embarrassed by his rambling, and instantly began apologising.

"You don't ever have to apologise for saying how you feel Frank" Gerard consoled him.

"Sorry" Frank said again without thinking.

Gerard laughed quietly before taking hold of Frank's hand and kissing his knuckles tenderly.

"You can always talk to me Frank. I'm not here to judge or berate you. I want to be here for you. Whenever you need me. I want to be your friend first and foremost."

"My friend?" Frank asked confused. "Is that what you want us to be?"


"But I thought......I thought you wanted us to be together."

Frank began to tear up again. Fuck he felt totally drained today and couldn't seem to keep his emotions in check.

"I thought.......I just........" he babbled as he anxiously ran his hand through his hair.

"Frank!" Gerard interrupted. "I do. Of course I do. But I want to be friends as well."

He could see the confusion on Frank's face, realising that the concept of being friends with your partner was completely alien to him. How sad was that?

Without much thought he pulled Frank onto his lap and held him close.

"I wouldn't want to be with you if I thought we would lose our friendship Frank. Would you? Really?" Gerard asked, hoping Frank would understand where he was coming from.

"I want you as my best friend and my fucking boyfriend" he smiled into Frank's hair.

"I want that too" Frank replied with a sudden realisation that he could have both. "I've just never, you know, felt like that with anyone before."

Frank knew in his heart of hearts that he'd always been used by his previous boyfriends. Especially Adam, who just wanted him as some kind of trophy when they were in public and a fuck toy in private. They rarely laughed, and he couldn't ever remember a time when Adam would have asked his opinion on something or offered him advice if he was worried about anything, like a friend would. And he was ashamed of himself for settling for that. How could he have let that happen?

Looking at Gerard now though, he knew it would be different. He knew he would always be able to go to him for anything, and vice versa, and that's what would make them stronger than anyone else Frank had ever been involved with. It was like a fucking light bulb, not only going off in his head, but shining bright enough for fucking Martians to see it's beam coming out of his ears.

He kissed Gerard with as much as he could give, practically knocking the breath out of him. He held his hands to his face and kissed the life out of him. Gerard instantly reciprocated and pulled Frank closer to him until Frank eventually maneuvered himself and sat astride Gerard, kissing him into the headrest of the sofa. He mewled into his mouth, begging Gerard to open up and let him kiss him deeper. He did so, and Frank wasted no time in forcing his tongue within, arousing a groan from Gerard who was now kneeding his fingers into Frank's fleshy hips.

The two were completely absorbed in one another, and before too long were grappling for each other's belts and shirts.

"Is this too soon?" Gerard asked, suddenly very aware that Frank had literally only broken up with his boyfriend two hours earlier.

"No" Frank replied breathily as he nibbled on Gerard's earlobe. "Fuck Gerard. I really need you."

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