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From: rebelrebel666

To: ftw641

Quick question? How will I know it's you?

From: ftw641

To: rebelrebel641

Oh. Good point. I don't know. How about we just meet somewhere specific, where there won't be many other people around? Do you know Winford Park at all? By the coast?

Gerard was surprised that ftw had chosen there, as it was where he'd spent a lot of his childhood. It also meant that ftw must have lived closer than he thought. They had discussed where they lived in brief, both realising that they were somewhat close by each other, but he hadn't expected him to suggest that park. They had purposely not given away any personal details about each other either, both kind of wanting it to be like a game when they first met – finding out if they were anything like the other had expected. They hadn't even exchanged real names yet. It was either exciting or extremely dumb – neither could decide which.

From: rebelrebel666

To: ftw641

Yes. I actually know it really well. I love it there. How about we meet at the bandstand in the middle of the park? There aren't usually many people there.

From: ftw641

To: rebelrebel666

Cool! Say 2.00pm on Sunday? x

From: rebelrebel666

To: ftw641

Can't wait x

It was now Saturday evening and Gerard was restless.

"What is wrong with you?" Mikey asked sensing his brother's unease at something.

"Oh. Um nothing really."

"Come on Gee! What is it?"

"I kind of have a date tomorrow" he blurted out.

"Really?" Mikey smiled. "That's great. Who with?"

"So. I've kind of been talking to this guy online for a few months now, and we just sort of arranged to meet up" Gerard shrugged, knowing full well that Mikey was going to want to know more than that.

"Oh" he began. "So when you said Bert had nothing to worry about, with you 'talking' to guys online, that wasn't completely true?"

"No. It was true" Gerard defended himself. "It was just talking, and it still is to be honest, but we just get on so well that we decided to meet up in person. It's not even a date really. I don't know why I said that."

He'd said that because in his head, it really was a date. Was he being naive though? After all, ftw still had a boyfriend as far as he was aware (even thought he had said that the relationship was practically dead). Either way, neither had actually said that it was a date. It was just the impression that Gerard got from their interactions, that ftw felt the same way as he did. He could be completely off the mark though, and he began to panic about it.

From: rebelrebel666

To: ftw641

Hey. Just wanted to make sure you really do want to meet up tomorrow? I know I do, but I'm having doubts as to whether you are wanting to meet up for the same reasons as me.

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