Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ears jumping up to turn it off. I got up putting on my green t shirt and black work pants, then combed threw my long dirty blonde hair pulling it up into a pony tail. I put a touch of make up on and headed down stairs to my kitchen and made some scrambled eggs. After finishing breakfast I pulled on my blazer and grabbed my keys and headed to work.


"Bailey, I need you to decorate these cupcakes. Light blue frosting and the snowflake sprinkles please." Jessica ordered

I worked at a small bakery a few blocks from my house, Jessica's mom owns the place so she gave me the job 3 years ago.

I nodded and took the tray. I set it down picking up each cupcake and swirling the light blue frosting onto them; I soon finished and lightly added the sprinkles on them. Jessica soon said I could leave for the day so I cleaned up my stuff and went out to my car. My phone buzzed so I dug it out from my bag, Katie's name lit up my screen.

"hello?" I answered

"hey! You are coming with with me and Nicole to the club tonight." she said sounding more of a statement than a question.

"I don't know I-"

"hell Bailey, you should come its a Friday night let's go out and party maybe have some fun. I haven't seen you happy in over 3 years now." she said

"fine I'll go." I said

"good! Nikki and me will come over soon!" she shrieked before hanging up


"Wear this!" Katie said holding up a dress she brought

"why?" I asked kinda irritated

"cause you'll look hot for the guys, now just wear it" she said

"but you and Nikki aren't going to wear dresses!" I argued

She didn't say anything just glared at me evilly

"fine." I said throwing my hands up I surrender

"good. Now put it on we're leaving soon." she said throwing the dress at me. The dress was frilly and was mostly black with a little gold splattered around some parts of it and had some small gold rhinestones. I pulled on the dress as the girls attacked my hair and face trying to make me perfect to go out.


"here you go." Nikki said handing me a drink I drank slowly considering this was my third in the last hour. We are sitting in the back with Nicole and Katie and some of there friends.

"let's go dance!" Katie said grasping my arm pulling me out of my chair and to the dance floor.

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