Chapter 7

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Laura's POV

I turned over to OG and kissed him . He smiled at me and continued . We laid there under the stars kissing for a while , until OG got a call from Daff .

OG-umm...ya......right now?.....ugh fine

Then he hung up . He turned over to face me with tears in his eyes .

"We have to go , Daff said I have to go back with him so we can pack " OG said with tears

"Ok baby " I told him and kissed him one more time .

We got into his car and drove to my apartment . We walked in and seen happy faces , except for Daff who was frowning .

I walked over to him and asked why he was so angry at Jazzie , steph and I .

"Because since you distracted the boys , they didn't really get any work done " Daff said in an angry tone

"But look around " I moved so he could see everyone's happy faces " they are all happy , sooo can't you try to even act like you are , you are kinda bringing the vibe down ."

Daff smiled and stood up "ok , I'll only act since you asked nicely " he walked over to everyone else and started to laugh and actually have fun .

Jazzie walked over to me and sat looking at everyone and how they belong with each other .

"Do you think we came In between of their work " Jazzie said sadly

"Maybe , but they will go back to Sweden and always remember us " I said in an happy tone

She nodded and smiled . Then Felix and OG walked over to Jazzie and I And grabbed our hands so we could dance with them .

They twirled both of us around and we laughed and had a great time . Even steph was dancing and smiling .

Jazzie and Felix we dancing and laughing and as I looked around the room I seen two other girls but with Omar and Oscar .

I got more and more curious of their names so I left OG to go talk to them .

"Hey , are you here with Omar and Oscar ?" I asked politely

"Yes " the blonde girl said " yup " the brunette said

"Which one ?" I asked

"Omar "the blonde girl said " Oscar "the brunette said

"They are both Awesome guys " I said happily

"Ya but they told us they are going to leave for Sweden tomorrow , so we just came to have fun with them before they leave " the blonde said

I hated that I thought of them by their hair so I asked for their names .

"Hey what are your names "

"Maya " The blonde said " Betsy " the brunette said

"Ok well I'm Laura " I said and held out my hand

They shook my hand and we talked for about an hour and we became really great friends . We talked , laughed and had a great time but the boys had to leave to go pack some all said our goodbyes and they left .

Jazzie's POV

Felix and I talked and had fun for a while . But talking got a little boring we started to kiss it then it truest into a make out session so we felt the living room and went to my room .

We made out for a while then I felt Felix tugging at my shirt . I quickly took it off and we continued . After a few minutes we both were nearly naked .

I was about to take off the last piece of clothing I had but then OG walked into the room and smirked at us .

"We have to leave soon , so you both better finish what was going on in here " OG said while giggling

Felix pushed OG out if the room and we continued but this time left on our clothes .

Later that night when Felix and I walked out of my room I seen Oscar and Omar we talking and laughing with two girls . Then I saw Laura start talking to them .

Daff was surprisingly happy and wasn't being a crab about every thing the boys did .

"Boys we have to leave in about 20 minutes " Daff said

"Ok " was heard around the room

I sat on Felix's lap and cuddled with him , enjoying our last time together . I seen Laura copied my actions but instead of cuddling her and OG here kissing .

"Time to leave boys " Daff said in a stern voice

Then The boys got up , kissed us goodbye , hugged us tightly and left . I walked to my room and sat on my bed , I flipped through my camera roll . I seen pic of Felix and I doing silly faces , kissing , one another sleeping , and my favorite Felix and I on top of the tower with our guns pointed to the air ,at the paint ball park .

As I was flipping through pictures my screen stated to become less and less visible as tears started to form . Steph walked into my room with red eyes that were puffy .

"Mommy daddy ...gone " steph asked

"Y...yes he is " I said with more tears falling out of my eyes .

"I told the guy to let him stay , why didn't he ?" Steph yelled while crying

"Daddy ha...has to go back home to his family " I told her while holding my arms out for her to come .

She ran to me and cried her eyes out , until she fell asleep .

Right when I was about to fall asleep I got a text from Felix saying :

Jazzie and steph , I know you probably hate me but I want you to know that I love you , I love you both unconditionally and I would never forget about you . I wish you could have come with me and I wish I could have you both in my arms right now . I hope you both know that I will always love you and I hope you can forgive me .

He wrote me and I cried while reading it , he was making me go weak , I mean I love him but I np haven't cried at someone hurting me in a long time . And I don't want to have that same feeling again .

I texted him back saying :

Felix I love you and I never will stop , I just wished that you would have told me about you leaving but we can't change the past . I really love you and wish you were here with Steph and I but I know you have a family that loves you and cares about you . But please do me a favor , always remember me .

I sent the text and laid down , the love of my life is leaving me and the only family I have is Laura and steph now and I just wished the boys could have stayed with us .

Sorry for a short chapter . Hope you guys like it tho . Thanks for reading commenting and voting . Number of words is 1153 .

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