Chapter 1

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Jazzie's POV

I got out of bed and rolled to my side , which I regret , the bruise on my side only seemed to get worse . Last night I fought one of the toughest guys , he wouldn't give up even though it would have done him good .


Left punch


Arms up

Upper body cut

I was then punched in the side , my bruise , and kick to the floor . But i quickly got to my feet and punched . I won that fight but left with more than expected bruises and cuts .

*end flashback*

I stood in front of the mirror looking at all of the cuts on my face . 1..2..3..4 cuts that I counted but that can be easily hidden under make up .

As I looked around my apartment I seen a note from my roommate/best friend/fight manger saying :
Jazzie ,

I went to school early to help set up for prom , and please don't ditch today . I want you to not be a ghost and talk to people . Get ready can come here at 7:30 am , thanks .

I looked over at the clock 7:27 , I need to hurry . I quickly grabbed shoes and my back pack and ran to school , since I wouldn't find a parking spot this late .

As I got there I checked my phone 7:31 am , as I walked through the doors I seen Laura hanging lights . She turned and seen me , then smiled . After she was finished she stepped off of the ladder and waved me to come over .

As I walked over the group of people around her started to decrease . I looked at the ground and started to walk away and then Laura picked my head up and softly said " jazzie never hang your head down low , anyways if the idiots here knew what you could do they would listen to your every comment " we giggled .

Laura was wearing a red 'California Girl' shirt , jean shorts , red air Jordan's and some sunglasses . I was wearing a grey hoodie , gray beanie , black jeans and white converse .

I never wear colors except for red , I only wear shades . Laura is different she loves colors and shades but mostly colors .

We were in high school and we're both seniors .

I was walking to one of my classes when a group of boys surrounded me and I seen the school slut along with them . Two boys walked up to me and pushed my arms against the lockers and another boy stared to take off my shirt . I kicked free and pinched one of them so hard that he was knocked out .

Then I spoke to them .

I told them " leave me alone or I will slit all of your throats in your sleep , wait no , I want you to feel the pain so I will scalp you then cut off parts of your body " the boys looked at me terrified but the slut didn't show one emotion , maybe it's from all of her makeup that was caked on her face .

"Did you not hear me , b*tch , leave me alone "

" Oh I heard you and I'm not scared of you "

I acted so quickly I didn't even know what I was doing but before I knew what I was doing. I had the slut in a choke hold . I let got and before I let her go I rip her super tight , short shirt so it could show her underwear .

I made it to my class but 10 minutes late . As I tried to sneak in some new guy pulled me underneath of his desk . I was about to get up but the teacher was looking in my direction .

I got up when the teacher looked away and thanked the new kid then took my seat . Then I looked at him better and seen it was Felix from TFC . I should just act like I don't know him .

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