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Sara couldn't believe the Shogun was like that. Why was she so- Sara took a deep breath. She felt absolutely heartbroken that the Shogun couldn't trust her at all. A few months passed, and everytime the Shogun tried to get Sara to visit her palace, Sara would ignore her completely. Sara also passed the Shogun a few times, but she just looked away and walked off when her Excellency approached her. One day, the head of the Kujou Clan burst into her dorm.

- Kujou Sara! Do you mind telling me why you are ignoring her Excellency's demands for you to come to her palace?! You are ruining the Kujou Clan's reputation! She just sent a letter for you to come right now or else she will take down the Kujou Clan! Go now or I will kick you out!

Sara was stunned. She then felt mad. She roughly put on her uniform and walked to the Shogun's palace angrily. The Shogun was already waiting for her in her personal chamber.

- Sara.

Her Excellency said sternly. Sara scoffed lightly.

- Your Excellency.

She mumbled. The Shogun walked towards her, but kept a distance. Sara could see the Shogun's eyes welled up like she had been crying everyday. That made Sara feel like she had been stabbed. She felt guilty for pushing the Shogun away.

- Do you mind explaining why you were ignoring my demands?

- You obviously know why.

Sara muttered, but the Shogun heard her.

- Sara, I am truly sorry. I really didn't mean to doubt your loyalty like that. It's just that...Well, before Miko placed a...kiss, on your forehead, she betrayed my trust.

That got Sara's attention.

- What?

- She...almost gave my Gnosis to the Fatui.

- WHAT?!

Sara suddenly felt like she wanted to strike Miko across the face.

- Yes. She claimed that she desperately needed money. I didn't believe her, since I knew well that she was rich. So then when you came along with the mark on your forehead, I lashed at you. I thought I could trust no one. Sara please, forgive me.

Tears stinged Sara's eyes. She hugged the Shogun tight, and the Shogun cried on her shoulder.

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