Eisara week - Day 5: Role Reversal | Sparring | Comfort

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Ei laced her fingers with Sara's as Ei nuzzled against her lover's chest. It was so comforting just being in Sara's arms. No matter how bad her day was, just seeing Sara would always make her happy.
- I love you.
Ei cupped Sara's cheeks with the two of her hands and brought her lips to Ei's.
- Ei, can you help me sharpen my sword skills?
- Hm? Oh, yes, of course!
Ei smiled happily and handed Sara a sword.
- Wait, now?
- Yes.
Sara stood up, and was immediately attacked. She stumbled backwards.
- Never let your guard down.
Ei instructed. Sara got her balance, and was attacked again, but she dodged. Sara attempted to fling the sword out of Ei's hand, but failed. Ei saw this as a chance to strike, and so she did. She lunged at her lover, their swords clashing together.
- Not bad.
Ei commented. For the most part, Ei was always the one attacking. Sara simply just dodged, sometimes throw in a jab of the sword. Soon, Ei got tired. Her attacks got slower, and Sara knew now was the time. Sara, at full speed, swung her sword towards Ei's, and it flung out of her hands.
- Impressive. Waiting for your opponent to tire. Very clever.
Ei sighed as she sat down on the floor. Sara sat next to her and wrapped one arm around Ei's waist. The two sat there for ages, until Sara spoke up.
- So does that mean I am good?
- No. You need to learn offense too, my love.
Sara blushed, and Ei kissed Sara's cheek.
- My dear Sara.
Suddenly, Ei smelled something. Dangos. That was the smell of dangos.
- Sara! Dangos!
Ei grabbed Sara's wrist and pulled her towards the smell. There was a plate with 2 sticks of dango on a very romantically decorated dangos.
- Ooh!
Ei clapped her hands together.
- Did you do this?
Ei asked Sara. To which Sara smiled and nodded. Ei pulled Sara to sit down, and offered her a dango.
- No thank you.
- But there are two!
- Both are for you.
Ei rolled her eyes and attempted to feed Sara.
- Come on! Try it! It's one of my comfort foods.
Ei poked Sara's lips with the dango, and soon Sara gave in. She ate one dango, and swallowed it with a gulp.
- Not my taste.
Sara scrunched up her face.
- Oh, too sweet?
Sara nodded.
ok this is not the prompt but uh- yeah

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