Eisara week - Day 6: First | Letting go | Meet the Family

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Takayuki was Kujou Sara's 'father'. Sara always looked up to him, until one day, Takayuki was caught cooperating with the Fatui illegally. Now he was kneeled in front of Her Excellency, hands bound.

- Kujou Takayuki. You cooperated with the Fatui illegally did you not?

- Y-yes, Your Excellency.

Ei glowered at Takayuki. Sara stood in a corner of the room, watching the scene unfold. 

- But, I didn't do anything! It was her fault!

Takayuki suddenly pointed at Sara.

- She was the one who betrayed the Kujou Clan! She betrayed the Tenryou Commission!

- Silence!

Ei yelled. 

- Kujou Sara is my most loyal warrior and general. You have full responsibility, and you have no right to blame it on my general!

Ei lashed out at Takayuki. 

- Kujou Sara, you will pay!

- Guards! Take him.

Ei ordered. Takayuki glared at Sara, and even though she was innocent, she felt guilt for turning her father in. 

- Kujou Sara. Come with me.

Sara followed Ei to Ei's private chambers, and as they went inside, Ei shut the door and locked it.

- Mmf!

Sara yelped as Ei pinned Sara to the wall and kissed her.

- It is not your fault. Takayuki was a disgrace to the Tenryou Commission. You have nothing to do with it. Let him go.

Ei said gently as tears then rolled down Sara's cheeks. Ei hugged her, but then Sara pushed away.

- Are you alright?

Ei asked. Sara nodded.

- It's just...it's my first time having someone by my side...

Sara mumbled. Ei smiled warmly with empathy and kissed Sara's cheek.

- Well, you will never be alone as long as I am here.

Sara hugged Ei, and sobbed on her shoulder.

- There, there.

Watching Takayuki glaring at her made her feel so guilty. He was sort of her father after all. He took her in when she was at her worst. And how did she repay him? Turning him in. Sara gripped Ei even tighter just thinking about it. 

- My family hates me..

Sara said through hiccups. 

- No, they don't. I still love you with all my heart.

Ei comforted. 

- I love you too.

Sara kissed Ei delicately, and her tears slowly dried away. 

- Just let it go, Sara.

- I-I will.

Ei took Sara's hand and kissed it. 

- I will be your family if you need me to.


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