Boros (4)

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I was still walking in search of Saitama. But as coincidental as it is, I heard his voice.

Saitama: Ok.

???: Now, there is finally someone who's worthy of fighting me!

Saitama: uh, ok.

I ran into the room and saw a big alien.. is he their boss?

Me: yo saitama tfs goin on here?

I said while waving my hand lightly.

Saitama: oh, hi y/n didn't see you there

Me: yeah but who is that big fat creature?

???: My name is Boros. I have been destroying countless dimensions and-

Saitama: yeah yeah, you are strong and found someone to fight.

Boros: Exactly. Now you are...?

Me: y/n. Saitama kun, can I handle this guy? Looks fun.

Saitama: *sigh* fine

Me: thanks

I grew my aura and lifted my arm as I clenched it like how I did to the other aliens. His bones got crushed but he was still up. I decided to use something else.

Mind manipulation: 5.5%

I controlled him to stop moving for at least 30 seconds, which was a lot of time. I used my telekinesis and smashed him to the floor.


Boros: (... just.. just who is this guy..?)

Boros spat out blood as he struggled to stand

Me: meh you're boring.

Boros: I didn't get the chance to attack, looks like it's my t-

I muted his mouth with my mind manipulation.

Explode and die.

Saitama POV

Damn, why does he have to use those ones now?

Me: hey don't overuse cursed words that can kill y-


The blood splashed on me before I could continue my sentence, how annoying.

Me: ugh, gross.

Y/n: let's report about this.

Me: ok but don't get all the credit, I dealt with him before he started talking about how I am strong.

Y/n: *chuckle* okay

Timeskip Y/N POV

Genos: Saitama sensei! Y/n sens- SENPAI!

Me: yeah that's better

Saitama: genos whatcha want?

Genos: ... After you dealt with those things, you moved your ranks and y/n sens-senpai! You have some, I mean a lot of letters!

Me: letters...?

Saitama: what rank did we move

Genos: Letters are handwritten by fans from all over the country! And saitama sensei, you moved from
Class c rank 5
Class c rank 1

They are asking if you wanna move to B-Class.

Saitama: of course I will accept

Genos: Great for you, Saitama sensei. As for you, y/n senpai, you moved to rank 8!

Me: awesome. Can I see the letters?

Genos: sure, senpai. Here they are.

Genos handed me a box of letters as I opened them.

"Are you single?"
"You're cool and strong. I will try to be like you in the future!!"
"You're hot"
"You'll be my number one favourite hero!"
"My son is usually a mad and arrogant kid but when he saw you, it all changed. You're amazing!

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