Monster Association (14)

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Word has spread, danger has increased wildly, people have been moving all because of this group of monsters with the name of, "Monster Association".

Once Y/n heard about it, he took several days trying to make an option... 2 decisions at least. To stay back and watch the world corrupt or walk in to save everyone even if he was "dead".

Y/n had been beating his new sensei's, Bang and Kamikaze or better known as Silver Fang and Atomic Samurai.

Kamikaze: We can't.. *pant* it's impossible..

Bang: I agree.. *pant x3* he's too strong..

Kamikaze increases his voice to call Y/n out.

Kamikaze: Y-Y/n..! T- *pant* Training's over..

Y/n made an "o" face as he continued to think, what to do.

Bang: Look, *wipes sweat* I know it's hard. But we won't help you.

Y/n blinked his eyes twice.

Y/n: Isn't this where you're supposed to say, "But we will help you get through it."?

Y/n did a rare pout as Bang sighed.

He then called Saitama, thinking it could help him cool his anger and stress off.

In call

"Oi, saitama chii."     (-Y/n)

"Yo."     (-Saitama)

"Help me."     (-Y/n)

"With what?"      (-Saitama)

"Help me make this decision. You've heard 'bout this, 'Monster Association' thing, haven'tcha?"        (-Y/n)

"Ye."     (-Saitama)

"Then help me with this, should I leave those weak heroes to deal with em or do I step in and save em all even if I was, 'dead'." (-Y/n)

"Uhh, I don't know. Save em."     (-Saitama)

"*Sigh* okay, I asked you anyway. Thanks, I guess."     (-Y/n)

"No probs, Genos just arrived, he's prolly gonna bug me around. Cya."     (-Saitama)

"Bye-bye."     (-Y/n)

End of call

Y/n teleports out of the old men's sight and appears on a rooftop.

Y/n looks around the city in complete shock.

Y/n: Whaat? I've never seen the city in years!

No, it's only been 3 days.

Suddenly, a news reporter ran over to the building Y/n was on and broadcasts.

"Today, we are encountering something quite shocking. Do you notice anything? Look up at that building. You can see our dear hero, "Thoma" is alive!"

Y/n sweatdropped and dashed to Saitama's apartment.


Saitama opens the door to see Y/n.

Saitama: Come in.

Saitama moves to the side as Y/n walks into his apartment. Saitama turned his TV on and the news of Thoma was there.

Saitama: ...Y/n did you-

Y/n: Yeah yeah. I got caught. So? Not like it's gonna spread so quickly.

Y/n was once again lying, it shows that 2 million people are currently watching the news of him.

Saitama deadpans and brings cup noodles for them both.

Saitama: Here.

Y/n accepted the noodles.

Y/n: *smile* Thanks!

The two finished their cup noodles and began a short discussion that lasted for 2 days.

Well, that's what Saitama thought.

Y/n: So, this is the summery.

Saitama: (Thank goodness, a summery where I don't have to think so much just to help this guy. Why is his problem suddenly mine..)

Y/n: (I can hear you, you bald-ass idiot) Basically, I got killed by Garou that leads to everyone fearing him together with grieving for me but after 7 yea-

Saitama: 3 days.

Y/n: *rolls eyes* -AND THEN I was found on a rooftop smiling at the goddamn view with 2 million people watching the news.

Saitama lip smacks and starts hitting his bald head, his eyes closed.

Saitama: What am I supposed to do?

Y/n: Help me, the obvious answer.

Y/n pouts his lips a little at what Saitama asked.

Saitama sighs at Y/n's answer but nodded slightly, ready to make a move untill-


Half of Saitama's apartment gets blasted, the remaining's falling down.


Saitama yelled to who knows as the person who destroyed half the apartment revealed, only for them to see Tatsumaki.

Tatsumaki: I heard you're alive, huh..?

Y/n suddenly had this urge to laugh but kept it in...

In his own way.

His cheeks were at least about to explode, angering Tatsumaki.

Tatsumaki: W-WHATS SO FUNNY!?

Saitama: Give him a moment, child.

Tatsumaki: YOU FU-

With the Hero Association

Director: Currently, Tatsumaki is busy with something so we can't help it. But this case will be focused on Y/n, hero name Thoma. S-class rank 2...

757 words

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