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A/n: (warning: bad grammar, improper storylines, incorrect story parts from the anime)

3RD person POV


Saitama: Oi make breakfast for me and stop staying up so late, I knew it was a bad idea to stay at the restaurant for the free WiFi.

Y/n: yeah yeah

Y/n stretched out his arms and cracked his knuckles as he stood up with another soft yawn.


Y/n and saitama looked over to see the source of the loud noise.

Genos came running after he heard it.

Genos: Saitama sensei! Y/n sensei! Are you okay?

"(SENSEI?!)" Y/n thought.

I shook the thought of being genos' sensei and turned back to the scene.

Me: That roof is expensive you know?

Saitama: Hey watch where you're going and pay for the roof!!

???: We have come to exterminate you.

Genos: I'll take care of them.

Genos said as he jumped down from the large crater the enemies made.

Saitama and I jumped late but quickly as we just stood there, bored.

Saitama: I'll deal with this.. thing

Genos: then I'll deal with this gorilla.

Me: how abou-

Before I could finish my sentence, I was dragged into the ground, followed by saitama.

Mole: nehehe! No one has ever escaped my trap!

Me: it feels kinda nice tho

Saitama: yeah, I could sleep here.

Mole: (W-What?)

Y/n: Sadly, we've got to deal with these troublemakers for breaking our roof.

Saitama just nods.

Genos: Saitama sensei! Y/n sensei, are you alright?!

Genos asks while dealing with the gorilla.

Armoured Gorilla: don't take your eyes off your opponent.

The gorilla says with a smirk.

Saitama: Pay for the roof, last warning...

I stayed quiet and for the first time of my life, I smirked, knowing what would happen if you make the baldy mad.

Me: actually im just gonna deal with this mole

Genos POV

I was still watching over Y/n and Saitama sensei carefully, I dodge the gorillas attacks at the same time.

Armoured gorilla: Hurry up and die.

I heard Y/n sensei say that he'll deal with the mole and to my surprise, he smiled playfully and glared with an intimidating aura at the mole.

I was quite excited to see Y/n sensei's power.

Y/n: maan you don't really look like fun to play with...


And with that, the mole fell to the ground, lifeless.

Saitama POV

That requires quite a lot of stamina... I'll deal with this beast first.

Timeskip - at home

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