Chapter Twenty-Four

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Luca's POV

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Luca's POV

          What was she thinking? Her thoughts and emotions were changing so rapidly I couldn't decipher a specific one. I felt a pang of guilt for using the bond, but not enough to make me stop. I just wanted to be sure she was okay.

            I was already trying my hardest to be patient.

          I remembered how fearful I'd been before meeting Mila, wondering if I'd get rejected. I wasn't sure if this situation was better or worse. She hadn't rejected me outright – she didn't know enough about lycanthropes to do so. I'd like to think that she'd never reject our mating even if she was aware. But she hadn't fully accepted me. I wasn't so uncompassionate of her feelings that I'd pressure her to submit to the mating when she already had so much to deal with. But my wolf was going crazy without her.

          Every moment we were together, all I wanted to do was mark her, nestle myself between her thighs and make love to her. I wanted to rid her skin of the lingering sent of her human. I wanted to make her mine. It was maddening. I'd have to be patient. She was my soul mate, my other half.

           At least I had everyone's support – or should I call it pity? I'd had a hard time convincing Mià mamma to stay put in Rome. She was beside herself with concern for me. Keaton had been surprisingly empathetic when the misery of not having her sometimes overwhelmed me. Everyone had bombarded me with advice – whether I wanted it or not.  Mià mamma had stressed the importance of making her aware of the full moon. But she also wanted me to wait, and bide my time. A few months. A few months and he wouldn't be in the picture. I'd get to love her. A few months were nothing compared to the lifetime I'd have with her, according to Mià mamma.

          If I pushed, if I hurt him, I could lose her forever. She loved him, and even if those words caused agony to spring to my heart, they were still true. As long as he was alive... I would have to keep my distance.

           A part of me, a small selfish part of me, was hoping that with the arrival of the full moon and her first shift, her feelings for me would change and evolve. I was hoping that they'd become so much more than just some attraction and affection on her part – which Uncle Trevor had explained was most likely what she was feeling – and become something deeper and more profound. I was hoping they'd morph into... love.

           I didn't let myself hope too much.

          I could feel the love she had for him, the bond formed through years of knowing one another, instead of one enforced through some strange magical working. Was it so powerful that it'd subdue anything she may feel for me even after his death?

          There was only one way to find out for sure. I had to explain. I had to tell her everything in order to get some closure. Gain some certainty – a promise of the future when things were balanced – just a small hint that she'd be mine after his death and it'd keep me content. At least for now.

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