Chapter 11

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(Shu POV)

'I don't know why but for the past few days, I've been feeling really worried for some reason.' I thought. I was walking alone in the forest. Looking around. 'I can't really be so afraid all the time. I'm even making y/n worried. And the last thing I want is to make her cry.' I thought and shaker my head. 'No! Shu, you can't be depressed so much, all the time. You need to stop worrying, without any reason. Maybe confessing my feelings towards her might help get a little relaxed.' I thought and made fist and put it up. 'Alright then. I'll go now and confess to her.' With that thought I started to make my way back.






"Y/n?" I called out her name and went inside the shop. My eyes widened as soon as I entered the shop. The whole shop was messed up. The flower pots were all broken. The plants that were on shelves were lying on the ground. Panic struck me. I started to call y/n's name, in hope of an answer. But to no luck. She didn't respond at all.

"Looking for something... your highness?" A familiar voice said.




I turned around quickly and growled in anger, taking out my sword. It was Norman, the minister of the country, or rather my step-father's right hand man. "Where's y/n?!" I screamed. "Oh, not going to ask why I'm here?" He said, smirking. "Where. Is. Y/n?!!" I screamed, getting even angrier. I put my swords point in his throat.

"This much violence just for a commoner?" He said, amused. I got even angrier. So angry that I'm having a hard time holding myself back from killing him. "If you're talking about that peasant girl then she's been captured." My eyes widened and my sword dropped at that. "Wh-why?" I stuttered. "Looks like I hit a nerve there." He smirked. I put my sword back and growled.

"Don't worry she's not dead, yet." He said. "What do you want from her?" I asked. "Not from her. From you, your highness. You've been ordered to marry princess Lillian. If you don't, then your peasant friend would be killed." He smirked.  'How can he say it so lightly?' I thought. "You won't get away with this." I said, in a low voice. "Too bad! We've already got away with it. Now if you would please. Or should I tell the guards to kill---" "There's no need. I'll come." I said. 'I'm sorry, y/n. Please forgive me.' I thought as I went outside and sat on top of h/n.

I could only think of one thing as a tear fell down my cheeks.




'Please be safe, y/n.'

(Normal POV)

Y/n could be seen inside of a room. She was completely tied up. Her hands were tied behind her back, her legs were also tied. A cloth inside her mouth, which was tied up with another cloth. Making sure that she couldn't make out any word. Her eyes were also tied up so she couldn't see anything. She was tired and dizzy from the drug that made her unconscious. She was trembling in fear. She was squirming with the little strength she had. She tried to scream for help but in vain.

The door opened and a guy came inside. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He crouched down and touched her cheek. She got even scared. "No point in squirming, princess. No one's coming to save you, here. So no one can take you away from me." He said as tears formed in her eyes. "But I must say, you're quite a pretty one. Guess they didn't realize they gave me something so precious. You'll be my favorite collection." He said playing with her helpless body. She started to cry. "Aww. Still scared are we? Don't worry I won't harm you. You've become my favorite toy after all. Ha ha ha." He said, laughing like a maniac.




There was only one thing in her mind as she cried.




'Sh-shu please h-help m-me.'

Thank you for reading this. If I've made any grammatical mistakes feel free to tell me. Have a good day/ evening/ night.

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