Chapter 2 - Why Are We Getting So Many Letters?

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Okay, so let me get one thing very clear, the escape of the Brazilian Boa constrictor earned Harry his longest punishment ever . By the time Harry was allowed out of his cupboard again, the summer holidays had started and Dud had already broken his new cine-camera, crashed his remote-control aeroplane and knocked down old Mrs Figg while riding his bicycle as she crossed the road on her crutches.

Harry looked quite glad that the school was over, but what he didn't know was that there was no way to escape Dud's gang, who visited the house every single day - Piers, Dennis, Malcolm and Gordon. They were quite happy to join in Dud's favourite sport : Harry-hunting.

But, on the positive note, Hyacinth, Eveline and Roseanne were also, sometimes, stopping by 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, Canada, Britain, Europe, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe. Ya because they are from other universes.

"Yeah, we should make a song named 'Eveline Fern Robinson'."

Today was 20 July,1991, 11 days before I turned 10. We, Cinth and Anna and I, were planning my birthday party. Line was invited but she didn't come for some reason.


Wow Eveline.

Typical Eveline.

I hate her.

Eveline Fern Robinson.

Wow, short sentences.

Anyways, coming back. She was invited to come to the birthday-planner meeting but she, being Eveline Fern Robinson, was off to her own fantasy world.

"Oh come on Violet! You don't hate Line! And no, I am not reading your mind. You just said that out loud." Cinth said, laughing. I swore I could feel myself become a tomato. Ughhh annoying friends, "We aren't anno-o-o-oyi-i-i-i-ng-i-i-i-ng-i-i-i-ng noooooooooo we aren't (annoying) we aren't (no) we aren't we aren't (no) we aren't annooooooooooooooyiiiiiiiiiiiiing" chorused Cinth and Anna together. "Again, you said that out loud," Anna said, "so we made a song out of it". "If you guys are oh so good singers, then what about we make a song about Line being lost in her fantasy world and always being late?" I, of course, asked. "Good idea" said Anna, then, just after that, Cinth started singing
"Eve-li-ine Fe-ern Ro-ob-b-in-so-o-on
Is always go-one to her fantasy world
Meeting fairies and fighting dragons
Meeting mermaids and fighting flying sharks
Meeting unicorns and fighting cats with a fish's tai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ail
Ohhhhhh Eve-liiine
Ohhhhhh Eve-liiine
Ohhhhhh Eve-liiine
Ohhhhhh Eve-liiine
Ohhhhhh Eve-liiine

"'Eah, 'tat 'as 'goo." I said, not very clearly because I was speaking that between laughs.

When September comes, Harry would be going off to secondary school and, for the first time in his life, he wouldn't be with my older brother. Dud and I had a place at dad's old school, Smeltings. All of Dud's and my friends were going there, too. Harry, on the other hand, was going to Stonewall High, the local comprehensive. Dud thought this was very funny.

On 29 July, mum took me and Dud to London to buy his and my Smeltings uniforms, and also the dresses for my birthday party. Dudley got his light-blue pants and light-blue-white striped shirt, while I got a red gown with a ruby necklace and earrings.

That evening, Dud paraded around the living-room for mum and dad to see him in his brand-new school uniform. Smelting boys wore maroon tailcoats, orange knickerbockers, and flat straw hats called boaters while girls wore white shirts with a red bow and a red skirt. Both, girls and boys, carried knobbly sticks, used to hit each other while the teachers weren't looking. This was supposed to be good training for later life.

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