Chapter 18 - Ok Ok

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I just said yes to Draco, now I'm going back to the SCR with my new boyfriend.

"Good night, Dray!" I waved, standing in front of the GD.
"Good night, Ellie" Draco dropped me to the GD, and went upstairs to the BD.

Guess what?

Sera and the Lylensis Twins were awake.

"Soo? Are you telling us or what?" Sera asked in her thick Irish accent.

She actually is British, but grew up in Ireland. She returned to Britain when she was 10.
Her parents were Hogwarts alumni. Her father wanted to send her to Erehnoll School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but her mother wanted to send her to Hogwarts as they, their parents, everyone in Sera's mother's and father's family went to Hogwarts.
Her mother, apparently, convinced Mr. Dankworth to send Sera to Hogwarts.
But she never ever lost her beautiful Irish accent.
She is beautiful by looks, but her voice?
Her voice is even prettier than her looks.

"Ok ok" I said "sit down."
"We're sitting." Ace said.
"Ok. Draco woke me up at 12 and asked me to go on a walk with him. I said ok and went. We reached a vacant corridor and he, umm" I said.
"He what, Lizzie?" Em asked.
"He asked me to be his, umm" I said.
"His what, Elizabeth?" They asked together.
"Girlfriend." I muttered.
"What?" Grace asked.
"Girlfriend" I repeated a bit loudly, just so they could hear.
"So you have a boyfriend at age 11, Lizzie?" Em asked.
"Yep." I answered.
They burst out laughing.
"But but but" I continued, "noone, absolutely noone, is telling Harry this.

It's true.
I didn't want Harry to know that his sister, moreover, his twin sister, is going out with his enemy.


∆ BD = Boys' Dormitory
∆ GD = Girls' Dormitory
∆ SCR = Slytherin Common Room
∆ GCR = Gryffindor Common Room

Words = 319 (including A/N)

Sorry for short chapter

Thanks for reading!

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