20. The Past (1/3)

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I will make most chapters into 2-3 parts becuse i have way to much time until the deadline.

So ye... It's 18th of March today... One day before TOH s2b... I'm hyped but then again idk... I don't want the series to end.

The 19th of April ending chapter Information.

19th of March aka tomorrow the owl house will start airing the second part of the season.

And will update with 1 episode every week

Disney+ style.


19th - E11

26th - E12

2th - E13

9th - E14

16th - E15

And ending here

And episodes so go on

Point is that the au will end before the owl house so I can have my ending with my ideas.

And then while toh is finishing the specials for the au will come out

Hunter Pov:

I know you guys want this guy to be here first... Totally don't want him after Luz finishes the cool fight...

Just kidding


Just kidding Im making this story from my own ideas

But do watch the new episode its not bad... Tho I did think it's a bit to short

This episode was brought by me listening to a fnaf songs remastered version...

Too be clear I really like fnaf (Mostly the old ones)

Luz Pov:

"Team Lima in position the suspect surrounded we have here"

The guy talks into his microphone equipped helmet but I cant hear the other side now.

"Amity can you get me some help?" I ask and I quickly get a responses.

"I got you... Ok there's 5 units coming upstairs on the staircase, and... Another team not far behind you will have to bail, if these guys find me ill be in trouble as well, do you have a plan?"

"Of course I do! These guys won't Know what hit them"

As the units reach the roof I wait casually.

A couple minutes pass until every team except team alpha reaches the roof along side some flying thingy that I can only identify as the chopper thingy they were talking about.

"We Have you surrounded, lift your hands in the air and Dont resists arrest"

I lift my left hand up into the and and the right one in front of me towards them.

"Lift both hand above your head"

"ok chill im just waiting for my ride"

As soon as I say that and they all questionabley walk closer and close.

And I put my right foot just onto the ledge.

"Want me to jump?"

"Luz don't do anything dumb"

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