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 I must have spent at least 30 minutes staring at the apple section at my grocery store.

People were starting to stare and I was getting extremely uncomfortable. It's not everyday you see a 25 year old man staring at a bunch of red apples for 30 minutes. It would take forever to explain why, I'm not sure many people would understand that because the apple is associated with the Greek goddess Aphrodite, men would throw them at women in hopes of seducing them. Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means buying this apple for that purpose... I'm buying it to propose to my girlfriend, Ánoixi. Means spring in Greek.

It's a little joke that me and her have; if I was ever to propose, I would have to throw an apple at her. So there you have it, I'm spending 30 minutes looking at the apple section in hopes of finding the perfect apple to propose with. Not sure people would really understand that, so silent I shall stay.

The funny thing is, I had spent 5 minutes getting the actual ring. I knew exactly what Ánoixi would want because she kept telling me about it when we were younger. She said that she always wanted a ring that had her birthstone and her boyfriend's birthstone. Ánoixi said she saw that in a book once and has wanted it ever since.

Anyways, I had to pre order the ring so that I could get it custom made, so when I made it to the ring store a couple hours ago, it was already ready for me to pick up. And now here I am, spending 45 minutes trying to find the perfect apple.

"...Just an apple?" The cashier lady asked when I went to check out. I can't help but notice how pretty she is... she kind of looks like Ánoixi but the movie star version.

"Yes. Please be careful with it." I said as the lady scanned it.

"You know you could have done a self checkout, right?" I nod. "Ok then... Do you want a bag?" She asks, gesturing over to the bags underneath the counter.

"Oh that would be great, thank you."

"This apple mean anything to you or something?"

"Oh uh... yeah..." Movie star Ánoixi stares at me, waiting for further explanation. "Uh It's a joke me and my girlfriend have a joke that if I were ever to propose I would uh... throw an apple at her." Wow that sounds stupid said out loud.

"Ohhh, because the apple symbolizes Aphrodite and Aphrodite is the goddess of love!" Movie star Ánoixi gives me a glowing smile.

"Yeah, exactly! So you're a Greek mythology fan as well?" I ask, relieved that she doesn't think I'm a weirdo.

Movie star lady smiles to herself and then replies, "Something like that."

Everything is going perfectly. I've got the picnic set up, the sun is setting, Ánoixi seems to be having a good time. Here goes nothing.

"Hey, Ánoixi!" I say.

She looks up from her food at me, "Hm?"

Deep breaths. You can do this. She's going to say yes. It's fine. You're fine. "Catch." I throw the apple at her and I can see her face go from 'the fuck is he doing' to 'OH MY GODS HES PROPOSING' and its the most terrifying thing in the world.

"So..." I say, urging her to say something instead of staring at the apple like its a bomb.

She looks up at me and I can see tears in her eyes. She then looks down at the apple and then back up at me, "YES!" She drops the apple and leaps onto me, smothering me in kisses and the biggest hug ever.

A bunch of tropes put into oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now