1k Special - Final Chapter

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We go back to the room with the poem on the wall and the statue, we put the stone back where it's supposed to go, and wait for something to happen. We stand there for what feels like forever before giving up and facing the dread of my father.

I knock on the doors of the throne room, smoothing out my hair and grabbing Reagan's hand. The doors open and there sit my mother and father.

"Kindra! What are you wearing? Did I not just tell you to act like a princess and you come and show up wearing something a slave would wear?"

I look over to Reagan, confused. "Time doesn't work the same in Bremelan," he whispers to me.

I nod and look back to my mother and father, "Yes I'm back, and I have brought someone here. This is Reagan, and we will be leaving, since we all know I wont be getting the throne any time soon so I'm practically just useless."

And with that we walk out. I slam the door shut and we make my way to my bedroom to pack up some things with the familiar sound of my parents yelling at me fading behind us.

After a few hours and two massive bags later, I looks back at Reagan, "Hey, why don't we look one more time down at the dungeon to see if anything happened."

"Sure... I just want to do something first." He says and takes a step towards me.

"What?" I notice he's staring right at me. Well, not right at me. More at my... lips. 




Imagine the perfect kiss. Your whole being is filled with a sense of passion and love. As though you were designed to receive that kiss. As if you were destined to kiss that person. You feel secure and entirely vulnerable to that person when they take you, hold you tight, and kiss you with such intensity. When you feel happy and protected in someone else's grip, it feels as though you'll explode with joy. And you just know when it's over; no kiss, no other feeling will ever compare. The perfect kiss is pure. Compassionate. Perfection. That's what kissing Reagan is like. He pulls me in close and I feel as though I will never be able to get enough. He holds me like I could slip away. I taste berries on his lips and I get lost in his natural smell, taste and feel. 

It is by far, the best kiss, in the history of kisses. 


We go down through the stairs and tunnels, through the massive wooden doors. I see a faint glow coming from the other side of the statue that the door to Bremelan was. I walk slowly towards it and look in. I feel a tug in my arm and am suddenly pulled into something. I grab onto Reagan's hand, "Grab the bags!" I call out.

He grabs the two bags with his free hand and jumps in with me into the door.

When my eyes adjust, I see a beautiful town, with people walking around doing their daily tasks. I look back at Reagan and the two bags of things, smiling. "Well I guess that worked out in our favor. This place isn't bad. What do you say we stay here?"

He smiles at me as we get up and walk around the town, looking somewhere for our new life to begin. 


A/N: Wooooo we made it!!! Now that this is over, we will be continuing on with the normal tropes :) Hope you enjoyed! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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