Who did this to you

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So many bloody tissues. I couldn't even see the floor. I look back down at the massive gash on my arm and sigh as I reach for yet another tissue. There has to be better first-aid stuff in this stupid tiny apartment that we share. What am I even doing here? Why did I agree to this? I thought as I winced in pain from the tissue on the open wound.

I suddenly flash back to how I got the wound. That's been happening recently. Random flashes of battle when I'm badly wounded.

It was one of those fights where Jadyn was so badly hurt that he had to stay at the appartement so that he could heal as best as he could in time for the next lead or the next time we would have to fight. To be completely honest, I preferred these fights. I couldn't stand to hear snarky remarks about my positioning with my sword or how bad that flip was every five seconds. I could fight in peace.

However, this particular lead was well... a bit more than I could handle. I remember I had knocked out pretty much everyone and was heading to the leader when all of a sudden, I felt a blinding pain in my left arm. I knew I had been stabbed without even looking at the wound. The rest was a blur and all I can remember was taking out the person who stabbed me and then running as fast as humanly possible into the forest. When I got back, Jadyn wasn't there which didn't really concern me. I ran to the washroom and took as many tissues and as many band aids that I could find.

So now here I am, sitting on the bathroom floor with bloody tissues all around me and cowering at every touch of the tissue.

I reached for another tissue when the door opened. I looked up and saw Jadyn taking in the scene.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" He asked, audible anger in his voice.

"No one. I'm fine" I said.

"You are most definitely not fine. What the hell happened out there?"

"I had a little setback and now I'm cleaning up. You can go now, thank you." I growled. I put the tissue that I had in my hand against my arm and almost screamed from the pain. I glanced up and saw Jadyn staring at me. I took another tissue and tried to wipe some more blood off. I bit my lip in hopes of concealing the amount of pain I was in. I went to reach for another tissue but a hand gripped my good arm, making me stop. Jadyn sat down next to me on the floor, ripped off one of his sleeves and proceeded to wrap it around my bloody wound. He then kept his hands on it, applying pressure.

"You need to apply pressure you idiot." He said, not looking up from my arm.

"I was doing fine, you know." I said stubbornly.

"Oh I could see that, I just wanted to help." He said with a smile in his voice, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 

I rolled my eyes and let my head fall back in hopes of relaxing in some form.

"Get up. You can't sit here all day and frankly, I don't want to. Put your hand on your arm and keep applying pressure. I'll help you to the couch." He lifted me up and a rush of pain shot through my arm. I didn't even bother covering up the scream.

When we finally got to the couch Jadyn propped me up so that my back was resting on the arm rest end and my arm was resting on the back of the couch, elevated. He sat down next to me, putting my legs on top of his while he faced forward.

After a while of just sitting on the couch, doing absolutely nothing, Jadyn started to get up.

"I'm going to go out to get some food, I'll be back in about an hour." He came over to where my arm was resting and stared at it. "How's your arm?"

"It's been better." I answered.

He started to turn around but then stopped as if he had just thought of something important. He grabbed my hand and said, "If you need anything, anything at all, just call me and I will get back to you as soon as I can."

I looked up at him, slightly confused by his kindness. I let go of his hand but not a second later, I felt myself reaching for the collar of his shirt and pulling him down into a kiss. 

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