Fake dating

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The moment I open the door, Jill's mom greets me with a hug, as per usual.

"We're so glad you could come, Finn! How's school going? Are you hungry? How's your sister? Is she good? Please, come in."

"Thank you, school is good, uh no I just ate...Kate is good yeah." I replied as she ushered me into her house.

She led me to the couch and we waited for Jill to come down.

"JILL! FINNS HERE, COME DOWN!" Her mom yelled.

Not soon enough, Jill came down, grabbed me by my arm and led me to her room. She sat us down on her bed and started blurting out words left, right and center.

"Thank you for coming. Chad, he said and then I said so now I have to and so I called you and-"

"Woah woah woah. Calm down. What's going on? What has Chad done this time?" I asked, putting my hands on her shoulders to calm her down.

"He called me today and he basically kept saying 'oh well if you don't have a boyfriend then there's no excuse not to go out with me' Which is totally fucked up because what if I just don't want to. Anyways, he kept pestering me and stuff so I snapped and told him I was dating someone..."

I buried my face in my hands, it's too early for this. "Then what happened." I asked, accepting that this was what my Sunday was going to look like.

"He asked who it was because obviously he didn't believe me. I mean it's common knowledge that I'm single, you know after... yeah. So I didn't know what to say because I'm not actually dating anyone... So I said it was... " Jill threw her arms around me into a hug and I could feel her sharp breaths against my chest.

"What? Who did you say it was?"

"I said... I said it was you, Finn."

I pushed her back and looked into her eyes. No trace of lying there. "What?"

"I panicked, ok? You were the first guy to come to my mind so I just said it... and I'll bet he's told literally everyone so now we're going to have to pretend..."

"Excuse me? No. No. No. Nuh uh. I'm not doing that. I'm not going to take the role of some jock in a rom com! Didn't we see a movie like this literally last week? Nuh uh not happening. Nope. I refuse. Nope." I said, standing up and throwing my hands everywhere.

Jill grabbed my arms and sat me back down on her bed. I dramatically flopped down and looked at the ceiling. Jill flopped down next to me and propped herself up so she would be facing me.

"C'mon, Finn, please! We wouldn't have to do anything too complicated! Just hold hands and I don't know, act as if we're dating."

I copied her position so I was looking at her. "No. I'm not doing it."

"It would just be until I deal with Chad or until I start dating someone else." Jill explained. The last part about her dating someone else sent a jolt right through me.

I flopped back to staring at the ceiling and let out a groan. "You do realize how stupid this is, right? I mean we're practically in a romance movie." I spread my arms in the air, "'Best friends turned lovers because they fake dated' I mean how dumb..."

"I never said anything about us actually dating. Obviously."

Yeah but I did. Take a hint, Jill. I thought to myself. I let out another groan. "Fine. But we're going to need to set some ground rules."

Jill leaped off her bed and started dancing around. "Thank you thank you thank you! Ok, yes, ground rules. I can do that! Thank you!"

About 30 minutes later, me and Jill had come up with a few ground rules to make sure whatever this is wouldn't go too far:

A bunch of tropes put into oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now