Margaret Hale and John Thornton 9

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In Margaret's room.

She took her belongings out of her bag. Dixon helped her with the unpacking.

"Did my aunt or Edith say anything to you?" Margaret asked her maid.

"Yes, well..." the maid replies sluggishly.

"Mr. Lennox who went to Milton with you, came back alone and they asked him a lot of questions. But he didn't seem to want to talk much. .. May I ask you what happened, Miss Hale?"


This time Margaret was silent. She stopped folding clothes for a while and said,

"Dixon, the truth is Mr. Thornton and I have decided to get married.

Her maid looked at her, listening to her.

"I don't mean right now, you know, but after the mill is reopened and running normally." She added "and other things settle down."

Dixon gave a small nod, saying:

"I knew you would.  You will marry for love. Just like your mother."

"Yes," Margaret murmured.

Dixon showed her a refreshed face and said.

"I'm going to stay here until you get married and leave this house."


The next morning, Margaret put on her hat and walked down the stairs.

She called out to Dixon downstairs, "I'm going out."

As she went out the front door and down a few flights of stairs, she saw John walking in from the other side.


He put one hand on the brim of his black silk hat and smiled.

She looked at him happily. They met for the first time in several days.

"When did you arrive at Milton?"

"On the train, just a few minutes ago. I wanted to see you before I went home. ...Are you going somewhere?"

she thought for a moment, saying:

"Would you like to walk with me to the post office?"

Margaret Hale & John ThorntonWhere stories live. Discover now