Chick Lit Results

56 9 17

First of all, I would like to say congratulations to every single one of the participants. Putting yourself out there is not easy, and I commend you for it. I would also like to give one last shoutout to Geegervy and pipwusa  for their incredible work.

Now, the moment you've been waiting for.

I am posting everyone's breakdown (averaged from 2 judges). A couple of participants will get a review, which can also be DM'd to the author upon request. Participants, you might be DM'd with the option to receive advice. You are welcome to refuse or to ask for it later. Winners, please DM me your email so I can send the stickers over. Judges, please follow the winner of your genre. If you don't see yourself here, that means you have been disqualified for one reason or another.

And now, it is my privilege to announce the results for chick-lit for Season 3 of the Borderverse Awards.


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9. The Healing Touch by 123poseidon
Cover/Title: 3.5/5
Dialogue: 2.5/5
Blurb: 2.75/5
Grammar: 13.5/20
Plot: 12.5/20
Characters: 12.5/20
Style: 13/20
Personal: 3/5
Total: 63.25/100


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8. Facade of Perfection by Shrya1712
Cover/Title: 3.5/5
Dialogue: 3.5/5
Blurb: 3/5
Grammar: 14.25/20
Plot: 12.5/20
Characters: 14.25/20
Style: 12.5/20
Personal: 3/5
Total: 66.5/100


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Borderverse Awards Season 3Where stories live. Discover now