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Welcome to season 3 of the Borderverse Awards (New Year's edition)! I'm your host, Alana Sinclair.

As we finally start to say goodbye to another... interesting year *glares at 2020 pt 2* let's celebrate with another season of awards!

The Borderverse awards are an opportunity to get your story seen by more readers and to engage with the lovely Wattpad community. Also, a very shameless plug: I'm a writer here on Wattpad who writes magical realism books that all connect to each other in what I call the Borderverse. If that sounds like your thing, check it out! If not, no worries! We're just here to have some fun.

So, are you looking for an award that reinvents the community award game, filled with innovation and excitement? Yes? Then maybe find a new award. I don't offer anything special, but what I DO offer is still important: dependability.

This time around, we are adjusting the criteria a tad. Fanfiction will not get its own rubric, and judges will be provided with examples of a review and advice. More details in the book!

Season 1 and 2 Participants:  You MAY enter your book this season as long as it DIDN'T win first place in the last 2 seasons and you changed something about your book since last time. Did you edit for grammar mistakes? Change your cover? Change your blurb?  Completely rewrite a chapter? You're good to go! This is purely going to be on the honor system, but I trust you guys. Don't make me change that.

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Borderverse Awards Season 3Where stories live. Discover now