Chapter 16| Dilemma

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Jungkook went to Jimin, enraged.

"Why did you do this hyung?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Already exhausted Jimin said.

"You know very well what I am talking about? Why did you propose to Y/N when you absolutely have no feelings for her?" Jungkook said.

"I said it wasn't what it looked like" Jimin replied frustrated.


Jimin was practicing some moves before it would be the time for others to come.

All of a sudden the door of the practice room opened. Jimin looked behind to see Sujin. Sujin closed the door behind her.

He found this girl interesting. She is obviously attractive. She is also brilliant at her job.

But the problem is she has been pestering Jimin for a few days now saying that she likes him and she also tried to make a move on Jimin.

Jimin himself didn't find it so bad though. But that is all past. Now he knows about his feelings for Y/N. He also tried to push Sujin away. But two months ago he was kinda into Sujin too so she won't move away so easily now. Jimin thought all this to himself.

"Hey Sujin! I'm kinda busy right now. Can we talk later?" Jimin said not letting Sujin talk.

"It's okay. It won't take long" she said "I just want you to rethink about your decision."

"It's not possible. Nothing can change my mind now" Jimin said getting close to her to make her understand.

"Don't be so sure" Sujin said and placed her hands around Jimin's neck to pull him into a deep kiss.

For some reason Jimin didn't pull back. He liked it. Maybe he needed distraction from Y/N after all.

Jimin held Sujin by her waist and pulled her even closer.

Jimin and Sujin started exploring each other.

After a while the door opened again to reveal Y/N and Jungkook.

Jimin quickly pulled away and cursed under his breath. Sujin looked at him shocked.

He ran after Y/N but couldn't make her believe. Maybe it was because he himself was guilty.

Then he came back to the dorm and started drinking.

The End of the Flashback

Jimin told all of this to Jungkook hoping for him to believe though he didn't tell him the part of him enjoying the kiss.

"You could have just pulled away" Jungkook said still not convinced.

"It happened too fast" Jimin said and got unconscious.

Apparently he drank too much. Jungkook took Jimin to his room not being able to question more today.

Y/N's POV:

The Next Morning:

I woke up today feeling more cheery than usual. But I can't remember how I got into my apartment yesterday.

I fell asleep putting my head on Jungkook's shoulder. Does that mean he brought me home?

Omo! My inner fangirl was coming back.
But I controlled myself. I have to think twice before doing anything from now on.

But I don't know why, with Jungkook anything doesn't seem actually wrong.

I was on my way to go to college. Just then a guy passed by me while running.

"Please help me!" A girl screamed "That guy has my purse."

I hurriedly ran to catch that guy. Some other people also helped me to catch him and took the girl's purse from him.

"Thank you so much" the girl said looking at me.

I finally saw her clearly. She is really beautiful. She has that kind of face which makes you unable to take your eyes off of her.

"You are pretty" I blurted out.

"Aww thanks though I think you are prettier. You seem foreigner. What's your name?" She asked.

"Y/N. Isn't it so easy to pronounce? But some people don't just understand this. What's your name?" I asked.

She laughed and said "Kim Na Hee. You can call me Nahee. How old are you?"

"I'm a 98-er" I said.

"Wow. We are of same age then" she said smiling.

"Really?" I exclaimed. "Ow. I'm getting really late for college. The professor won't let me in. It was really nice knowing you" I said and rushed to my college.

I got late again meeting another person for the first time.

I got remembered meeting to Taehyung for the first time.

Minji scolded me as soon as she got the chance to.

"I don't even get to see you these days. Quit this job right now. You don't have to work there from now on. Or just come and live with me in my house."

"No crazy woman. I'm perfectly fine. I will continue to do this job. And also I am staying in my house" I said to her.

"But then at least let me know what's happening" she asked to me.

"Nothing special Minji" I lied "I would have told you if there was anything to tell."

Minji didn't seem to believe me. But I can't let her get involved in my mess anymore.

She hasn't done anything wrong. She doesn't need to spoil her friendship with Jimin which she just recently got back.

Next Day At The Company:

I straight away went to Jungkook's studio. Partly because he wanted me to work on his video. Mostly because I wanted to see him.

But Jungkook wasn't there. I turned to leave the room. Just then the door opened and Jungkook got in.

"Hey. How come you are here today? Did anything happen again?" He said but I was just laughing like a fool.

He took steps towards me to shorten the distance between me and him.

He took a strand of my hair and put it behind my ear.

"Why are you so happy today?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know. I just feel positive vibes in the air" I said and Jungkook smiled. His smile.

"So? You are here to...?"

"I'm here to help you" I said with a smile.

Jungkook just kept looking at me for a few seconds and then said,

"You should have just taken a leave."

"But I don't want to" I said and he looked at me again, trying to read me.

Just then his phone rang, notifying him that someone called him.

"She came?" Jungkook asked to the person who was on the other side of the call.


Whom do you think they are talking about? I got late updating this chapter. Yesterday was really fun as it was my birthday. Thank you for your wishes. 💜❤️

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