The Start Of The End

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They had spent months in war by now, they grew more accustom to aching backs and pricked feet, the earths harsh punishment for resting on her without permission.

Tubbo was doing his rounds, strewing leaves and petals over the dirt to make it seem more like earth than a battlefield. It was a warm morning, sun felt on his neck when he would bend down, that of a warm hand against cold glass. The gentle hiss of windchimes wrapped the air lightly, clouds casting shadows on his palms.

He had caught the sight of Dream, slitting wood in quick movements, making a long spear.
"Morning, jackass." Tubbo greeted, lowering himself beside him and letting his tunic soak in the dew of the grass.

He flicked his ear with a quick motion, making him whine.
"I'm never going to not hit you when you cuss, Tubs." He said, a slight smile appearing.
"I've grown, you still see me as if i am a boy." He replied, crossing his arms. "You are fifteen, not yet a man."

Tubbo lolled his head to him, like an uneasy child. "Close enough."

The guard rolled his eyes, a long blink following.

A slight kick was felt against Dream's back, a harsh tap. He gripped his spear tightly, shoving Tubbo away from him and jumping to his feet.

"Sorry!" He said, throwing his hands up in surrender of a fight he did not mean. It was Tommy.
"Stop kicking me." Dream said, he had done it before. When he had deciphered his tone, he stuck his tongue out.

"He is a child, i am not." Tubbo beckoned, recovering from his harsh shove. They both retreated back to their spots on the earth, Tommy plopping himself in the middle. "Why do you interrupt us?" He asked, curving the blade he held for finer details against the dark wood.

"They told me to go find something to make myself useful, so i decided to be useful here."

Tubbo kicked his leg up, the crook of it resting on his bent knee as he laid back. "By doing?.." He prompted him.

"By annoying you both." He replied, sinking down and resting on his back beside the prince.
He had appeared to lose the tremble in his hands, it only returned with threat.

Dream ignored him.
"So, since you have been officially welcomed into this war, will you take up archery or melee?" He asked the younger, making Tommy raise an eyebrow.
"Melee, i am best at it." He replied swiftly.

Wind carried the conversation, whistling through their clothes and leaving cold where it was not meant, like plunging into deep ice waters while the summer burns through you, a refresher.

"The next strike is tomorrow, we will head to their kingdom. We will take their bridge, which will be dangerous, but we will be able to overtake their homeland from there." Dream explained, placing his spear to the earth.

"That bridge is as unstable as my brother." Tubbo commented.

They heard the sound of Tommy slapping his palm over his own mouth, suffocating a laugh.
"Very rude, Tubs." Dream straightened, a smile appearing unwillingly.


"They will strike the bridge today, it is most defintely their objective. We must occupy it." George said, smoothing the map that laid against ground with his palms. Niki observed, pressing her fist to her lips in consideration.

"Occupying it would be dangerous, but if you must." She commented, grazing her fingertip on the outline of the path, lifting where the opposite kingdom began. 
"I will take your Prince, he needs to fight aswell. He will be the show of power we need, and i will take the victory."

Niki did not care.

"I will not take you, it is too much of a risk. Lay back with the archers, will you?"
His voice twisted everytime he ended his sentences, she always found it a pain.

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