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June arrived, it was tradition to hold a ball every 1st, it was the North's turn. On the brink of June Velvet ordered maids to open the kingdom and set up the ballrooms, a flicker of happiness fell over all of them.

Every kingdom would be invited, it is the highest honor to go, a hand full of townsfolk were carefully selected by said royalty.

Tubbo twirled down every hallway, pondering at tapestry that hung, they had made everything look brand new. He streched his arms out while he spun, giggling at his own dizziness.
It was a day of celebration, they had been needing one of those.

Every curtain was drawn back, every candle lit, every room busy with preparations, he was almost overwhelmed.


Ant laid in bed, letting tiredness consume him, like rum in flame. He had not slept, which seemed to happen frequently enough to alarm him. His thoughts kept him awake, thoughts he would shut out until his bloodshed, or at least until he gave up.

The door opened, no knock, no warning. He flung the sheets over him quickly, peeking out from under them. "Ant! Today is the day!" Niki said, smiling widely. She pulled back the curtains and swung open the window, making Ant groan. "I know." He rubbed his eyes.

"I have prepared my gown, it is so beautiful!" She flung herself on her back to his bed, he shifted quickly to avoid her. "Puffy thinks so too!" She said, clasping her hands together. She had so much energy, he thought.

Ant cuddled into the sheets, bring it over his rosy nose and colored cheeks, cold biting at his skin. The summer mornings were never kind to him, though the evening brought him into warmth.

"Go speak to Puffy, i have clothes to put on." Ant said, kicking her gently from inside the fabric. She smirked, sitting up and opening the door. She waved and shut the door gently.

Ant reached for the book on his nightstand, he skimmed over what he had wrote last night, his eyes caught on the paragraph, writing sloppy and unprofessional, enough for a writer to bring themself to their grave.

'Velvet, he makes me curse under my breath, his beauty does things to me that I'll never admit. It is not just physical, for his heart is prettier than crystal and sweeter than nectar. I do not want to ruin him, but i dont know how much longer i can resist him. He is so much to me, and he is just a man.'

Those were the thoughts that made him so restless.

The time had come, everybody was here, holding their breath for the final release into the night. For the instruments to break the air, for the couples to conquer the marble floor.

Velvet leaned against the wall, observing from an secretive overhang. He heard music strike, it had begun. Quickly, lovers took eachothers hands, leaving little ones or relatives to sit at the red clothed tables.

Tommy sat, his heart jumping in his chest, he could feel the music in his fingertips. He was surrounded by royalty, all of it. The secure grip of his brother, Wilbur, is what made him not jump up and declare his excitement. Techno sat, leg kicked up on the table.

"Where's Velvet and Ant?" Tommy asked, looking from side to side in search for either. "King Velvet, Prince Ant." Wilbur corrected, pushing his glasses up with his index. "They're my friends!" He assured him.

Techno smirked slightly. "How long has it been since you've seen them?" He asked. Tommy quirked his eyebrow as he thought, then shrugged. "Only a few years."

"You must be very close." Wilbur said, earning a look from Techno. He snickered to himself. "We are!" Tommy replied, not picking up on his sarcastic tones.

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