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Phastos sarcastically smiled, running his tongue along his teeth as he subtly glared at Druig

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Phastos sarcastically smiled, running his tongue along his teeth as he subtly glared at Druig.

"Phastos" Druig sighed, removing his arm from around Makkari's shoulder, who couldn't bring herself to look at Sol. "I need to control the mind of a celestial" he changed the subject, giving a stern look to the man in hopes for an answer.

Phastos sighed, looking to Sol apologetically "Ok, get ready for it" he waved his hands, the gold hovering over the eternals came to form nine circles.

"Bracelets?" Kingo furrowed his brows, sassily sighing. "You made us bracelets?" He became monotone as he stared at what Phastos had conjured above them.

"So, here's a little celestial 101" Phastos informed. Sol saw Druig nudge Makkari with his body, Makkari turned and smiled at him as he shoved her again. Sol sighed, staring at Phastos's golden energy and trying to listen to what he was saying "Celestials are the most powerful energy generators in the universe." A replica of a celestial appeared above them "When Arishem made us, he imbued us with infinite cosmic energy to keep our bodies regenerating." Phastos explained. "The brackets, in theory, shut down our regeneration process." He spoke at Kingo, who stared with widened eyes, slowly absorbing everything Phastos said. "And once that happens, our bodies accumulate extra cosmic energy"

"What for?" Sersi immediately asked.

"Well, if the deviants can absorb our energy, what if we can absorb each other's energy as well? If I can find a way to connect us all, one of us could become immensely powerful, pulling the accumulated energy from the rest, forming..." tiny eternals appeared via Phastos's command, lines moving forward from them and into a brain shaped ball "a Uni-Mind" Phastos clapped, impressed with himself.

The eternals silently stood in that dark room, staring at either Phastos or the 'uni-mind' above them.

"'Uni' meaning 'one'. 'Mind' meaning 'mind'" Phastos explained, irritated.

"Oh, no, we heard you the first time" Kingo nodded.

"Terrible name" Sprite chimed in.

"I like it" Sol shrugged, meekly raising her finger.

"Thank you, Sol!" Phastos exclaimed.

"We'll brainstorm..."Brainstorm"! That's a way better name!" Kingo revelled, gesturing for the eternals to agree with him.

"No, I invented it so I'm calling it whatever I want" Phastos argued.

Makkari shook her hand, gaining their attention "So suppose Druig can, say...put Tiamut to sleep- then what?"

"We find humans a new home on another planet" Sersi answered, assured this would work.

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