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Sol sat in a warm bath that they had in their small hut house Makkari'd built in the countryside of France. She constantly reheated it in hopes that she could by time and avoid talking to Makkari.

A soft knock of the wooden door made a zoned out Sol jump.

The door slid open slightly, Makkaris hand popped out, letting Sol know it was just her before slithering inside.

Makkari pulled a stool over to the side of the bath to sit on, hanging her hands over the edge, playing with the water.

Sol bit her lip nervously but making sure she didn't make it bleed.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Makkari gently asked, the warm water dripping from her hands. "Have I done something?"

Sol shook her head "no- of course not" she spoke.

"Then why are you sad, my love?" Sol could clearly tell that Makkari was worried.

Sol stood from the bath and wrapped a fabric around her, Makkari standing to keep the eye contact.

Sol furrowed her brows at Makkari before angrily stomping out of the room.

Makkari followed her to when she saw Sol sitting herself down on the cushions that were sprayed across the floor.

Makkari knew Sol had wanted space, but her concern grew bigger by the moment "Please Sol. I'm begging you, tell me what's on your mind"

"How can you just be fine?!" Sol snapped "Huh?! Druig left! They all left us and your as happy as ever!"

Makkari stood, shocked. Shaking her head and sucking in a breath "I'm not fine" She had signed "I'm only being strong for you!" Makkari stood and wished in that moment she could yell at Sol "I haven't been fine! This whole week has been hell for me too! But have you even asked me if I'm ok?!"

Sol's jaw clenched, she knew she should apologise, but her anger was greater than her love in this moment.

Makkaris scrunched face relaxed during the silence "Maybe you just need some space"

Sol shook her head but before she could object, Makkari was out of their house... or her house now.

Sol grabbed a cushion, slapping it against her face and screaming into it. She sat like that until her tears soaked the fabric.

"You're so stupid, Sol!" She screamed at herself "You're a fucking idiot!" She threw the pillow, it smacking against the ground.

"So stupid" she sobbed, curling her arms around herself.

She got up after what felt like hours of sobbing. She had wandered into her small, once shared, room and kneeled beside the bed. Reaching under she pulled out a small wooden box that held the gold mirror Makkari had given her in Babylon.

She held the heavy treasure in her hand and swore to herself to never let it go again.


1450 CE

Over the years of being alone, Sol had slowly built more of her house and expanded her land. She had gardens and livestock that kept her busy. Yet she had never shown her powers to anyone.

Sol kneeled in the dirt, tucking the dirt around the sapling of a weeping willow tree. Pouring the water from the bowel into the dry dirt, it soon becoming moist.

She set a small orb of heat above the tree, so it wouldn't matter the weather, the sapling would always be warm.

The trotting of hooves and a carriage had sparked her attention. Dusting off the dirt from her knees and hands, and tightening the shawl she was wearing, she made it to the front lawn.

A fancy looking man stood with his lips puckered and a paper in his hand. His large feather atop his hat made Sol want go burst into giggles.

"May I help you?" Sol asked in French.

The man ran his eyes over her body, cringing at her appearance. "Yes... are you-" he glanced gown to the paper in his hands "Solena Dubois?" The puffy man grumbled her fake name.

"Erm, yes? What's this about, my lord?" She questioned.

"The Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine would like to meet you" he scoffed.

"The queen wants to meet me?" Sol's eyes widened.

"Yes. Now if you would do us all a favour and get in the carriage" he gestured to the vehicle behind him angrily.

Sol simply nodded, although on the inside she was quiet scared of what such a powerful woman could want with her.

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