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Camille. Camille. Camille.

That name repeated in Sol's head as she marched to the palace. With Jericho safe in her room she could find Camille and deal with her without worrying for him.

Sol's blue dress dirtied as she splashed through the mud. Some might mistake her for an angry bear when she pushed open the ballroom doors.

Quickly snapping into a facade, smiling at the queen, who sat upon her throne. The eyes of the diplomats whom were chatting scanned over her, she could feel their judgement from a mile away.

She curtsied to the queen once she reached the throne. Queen Elenor waved away the nobles, who bowed before scattering away. "What is it?" She smiled, though Sol could tell she was irritated.

"I was looking for a Camille?" Sol smiled "I've heard such good things about her and I wanted to... make a friend" She spoke courteously.

The Queen smiled, oblivious to Sol's act "Yes! Camille is wonderful! I'd be happy to introduce you but I am very busy" she rushed "Guard! Escort Solena to Lady Camille's chambers at once"


The door opened and the consents of the room was twice as grand as Sol's. And a woman with black hair sat upon a cushioned chair in front of a vanity, taming her hair with a brush. Sol could easily tell by her appearance that she was proud, headstrong and stuck up.

Sol smiled and curtsied "Hello m'lady. I'm-"

"I don't care" Camille glared "What do you want?" She scoffed. "Because I've got better things to do than talking to you" she stood and marched out of the room, shoving Sol as she left.

Sol kept her distance as she followed the snarky woman to the court yard, and into a door. And by the direction, she was heading for Jericho's now empty cell. As Sol opened the door the same moment Camille let out a frustrated yell. Camilles curses excused her of her 'Lady' title.

Sol crept behind her but a dry piece of gravel snapping under her shoe alerted Camille. She snapped around from investigating the chains. "You!" She screamed.

"Me" Sol growled, her fist heating up with light, clenching it tight. She stopped toward Camille and punched her as hard as her body let her, knocking Camille to the dirty ground.

When Camille turned, her cheek held bubbling blisters, she screamed, gripping her face.

Sol graves the chains, clipping them to Camille's wrist, being tighter on her as they were made for a small human. Gripping the broken sides of metal together, she heated them up, making them stick together in a messy blob.

"Now you'll know how it feels to be chained up like a dog" Sol spat, yanking the chains harshly, making Camille fall face first into the ground before she walked out, slamming the door behind her.

When she got back to her room she felt pride and justice for Jericho and herself. Speaking of the devil, he bounded over to her from behind her bed, where she told him to hide if anyone came in.

"Is she...gone?" Jericho hugged her waist, and struggled to find the words to describe Sol's actions.

"For now" Sol muttered, wrapping her arms around Jericho. The two stayed intertwined, living out this peace together.

The dinner bell rang and Sol sighed, pulling the kid off her. "I've gotta get ready" she grumbled.

Jericho scrunched his eye brows "For what?"

"The Queens wants me to 'entertain' the nobles who are coming to dine with her tonight" she peeked over at Jericho, who had a funny look on his face. He was trying his best to not judge her "it's against my better judgement" she laughed. "Promise you'll stay here? I'll sneak you some fancy food" Sol bargained.

Jericho's face lit up "Yes please! And I will" he joyfully bounced.

Sol giggled "Good. Now turn around so I can change" she ordered.

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