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Chapter 25                                       
Deformed Zombie                                   
Okay, almost done! The cure! I might be the smartest person alive, I don't even know how it happened. I just picked up a thick science book when I was 2 months old and read it. That's definitely where it began. How did I even read it? I honestly don't know.
I have made the cure a gas, and I'm done, I just have to test it. And, good thing was, it was June and the breeze was perfect. Luna's birthday was also in 2 days!!! By then too, everyone will be healed (Hopefully) and that means...if our families never died as zombies...they would be healed...and we could find them. Luna is gonna have the best birthday! -besides the fact that she's sick- I still haven't figured out why she could've been sick, it was probably from all the junk food we've been eating, but that doesn't explain the blood....Or, it could also have been from an infection in her leg from the helicopter crash.
I was also starting to get little science flutters in my stomach about Ziira and Luna. They were so alike, looked so alike, acted so alike, just alike. I was starting to think they were related. If you take the eye patch off Ziira, put Luna's regular hair back before the haircut, and put them next to each other, boom! You practically have twins right there. Only Ziira has white at the tips of her hair and Luna has purple. Let's not forget about the weird hair Luna has. Every time you cut it, the purple at the tips always grows back right before your eyes. What kind of hair is that! Check this out too, when Ziira was sleeping last night I cut some of her hair off and it did the SAME THING!!! It grew back white!
These girls were crazy. Crazy in a way that even the greatest scientist alive couldn't explain it.
"Ellie you good?!" Came the call of Penny.
"Yea I'm fine! I just have to keep working! Almost done!" Truth: I was done, I just have to test it. What would I do? The answer was simple: Find a zombie.
    I walked out of the shack and the warm morning rays of the sun hit me. Ziira was standing in front.
"What are you doing?" She asked a little suspiciously.
"Stuff, what are you doing?"
"Admiring the sun."
    Another weird thing: Ziira liked the sun. She said it felt like she was connected to it. She could even stare right at it without her eyes burning out! And get this- Luna was the same with the moon. It just didn't make sense. My little science brain was burning up.
    What confused me even more was that none of my family or ancestors liked science. It was just me. I guess I was special. I did always get feelings that I was adopted, though. But after I would think that I would just say, "No." and move on.
    I walked for a bit in the tall grass looking for a zombie...something. I guess I should take the time to really introduce myself while I'm here. My name is Elanore Rosey Polin. Short for Ellie. That's what everyone calls me. Let's see what else, I have a really good friendship with everyone...and, I'm a nerd. Obviously. Okay, that's about it I guess.
    I stopped in my tracks gripping the shot in my sweaty palm when I heard a growl. Every time I heard one I just immediately thought of my parents. My mom didn't want to be alive anymore, and my dad saved me from a zombie that was about to hit me with a truck. He pushed me out of the way, and he got hit instead. Then in the dark, I found my way to Mia's house.
    The wind blew and the long grass brushed against my legs. Fear struck all over me. I regretted not bringing someone that actually knew how to fight because I suck at it. I didn't know what to do.
    I took a deep breath and turned around. I saw nothing, but the grass was moving. Something was in there. I decided to think smart.
    I started running towards the abandoned In-N-Out fast food restaurant until I was out of the long grass. The thing still chased me, running in the grass, if only I could see what it was. Zombie rabbit? Zombie snake? I stood still waiting for it to come, and as it crawled towards me out of the grass, I saw clear as day what it was.
A zombie.
A zombie human.
A zombie human that was deformed, the body crawled like an animal and the head was crooked all the way over so everything he saw was upside down.
But worst of all.
It was my zombie dad.
He was deformed by the truck he got hit with.
    He growled and started crawling towards me and I just screamed.
"Dad, no please! It's me!" I suddenly felt the pain Luna must've had when Nico was a zombie. I never really noticed until now, what she was feeling.
    He ran at me and I dogged. One advantage I had was that his world was upside down. He spun in a couple of circles trying to find me, and I just stood still as a statue. Like a T-Rex was staring at me. He suddenly laid eyes on me and I knew just what to do once I saw the picnic table and umbrella behind him. It was risky but would work. He crawled towards me quicker than normal, and I ran towards him. Here it goes.
    I jumped over him and he almost bit my foot in midair. I landed on the picnic table and grabbed the umbrella, here goes another daring thing, but something else happened. Instead of him taking a moment to spin around and find me, he knew exactly where I went, and that messed up my whole plan. He crawled towards me and before I could think of anything else, I jumped and stabbed him with the end of the umbrella. That's when I knew fully how Luna felt. I just killed my zombie dad. And that was never part of the plan.
    The zombie stared at me and I stared back with tears rolling down my cheeks, "Da-dad..." I didn't know what to do, but I could almost hear his voice saying, "Live as long as you possibly can, until you see the light at the end." That's what he told me before he became a zombie, before I killed him.
    I stabbed the shot into him, and at first nothing happened. I failed. I thought I could make the cure. But I failed. I failed at everything. Failed at life.
    Then it happened. His skin began to turn back to normal, and he was human again. My dad...but I was too late. He was already gone. I killed him. Now there were two Luna's in the house. Two Luna's.
. . .
    I opened the door to the shack and everyone was doing something. Luna and Loku were playing a board game they found, Heather was cooking, Sasha was grooming the dogs, Penny and Megan were in a fight (as usual) and Ziira was messing around with Mia.
"Where did you go?" Loku asked.
I took away all my depression and got back to the good news, "The cure works."
    At first everyone was silent, then they all shot up and started partying and we all had a blast. Loku pulled Luna up and forced her to party and we all danced around the small and crowded shack. Luna not so much, though, because she didn't feel good. Everyone still forced her because this was an amazing time to party. And her birthday was in two days.
"Okay!" I yelled, "All we have to do is climb up a mountain and set it free!"
"OH YAS!!!" Luna screamed, "LET'S GO!!!"
    We all left the shack and began to trudge up one of the hills that were around Carson. We were all chanting, "It's time to kill some zombies, it's time to save the world, it's time to have some parties, it's time to be awesome, it's time to show the world who's boss!" It didn't make sense, but it's what we were doing. It didn't even rhyme. Welcome to my friends I guess.
    We made it to the top of the hill and the breeze was perfect. I grabbed the little tube out, this is what would save the zombies. It would mix with the wind and go all around the world.
"Come on, set it free!" Ziira insisted.
"Wait...you want me to do it?"
"YES!" They all shouted.
"You made it! Don't worry, you'll be the smartest kid alive... you probably are!" Luna said.
    I smiled at her and walked to the tip of the hill, I opened up the tube, and it was free.
    We all had a big party after that, walked back to the shack (After stealing some candy of course) Had another party at the shack and we were all drunk on candy and sugar, and then fell asleep for the night. I had a dream about the party once I fell asleep which was weird because I already lived it. It just showed everyone dancing in the shack while Sasha blasted music on her phone and we all munched on candy. A food fight broke out and Luna dunked everyone in the soda she shook furiously, then set it free. Then I woke up with a thought.
    They're twins.
    I sat up, grabbed some science stuff, and slowly crawled over to Luna first. Since we all crashed the shack was a mess and no one wanted to sleep in their own separate areas. We just fell asleep where we fell asleep. Luna was next to Loku and Loku over here was still wet from the soda. I did have to say I had a pretty good laugh when Loku put gum in her hair and she smeared his glasses with Gushers. Filtering am I right? I'm just joking no way Luna loves that dumb nerd. Wait...I'm a nerd...so that means...Okay thinking too hard again.
    I slowly stabbed a shot into Luna's thigh because she was wearing some shorts she found at the store and collected her blood. She was too asleep to even notice.
    Next, I went over to Ziira who was asleep on the table. I stabbed her in the arm, but she immediately woke up. Before she could scream I covered her mouth and she bit me.
"Ow! What the heck!" I hissed at her.
"Oh, it's you-wait what are you doing?"
"Uh." I didn't know what to say.
She glared at me, "Ellie, what are you doing with that shot!"
"Shh! Keep it down!" Then I stabbed her and got her blood.
"What the heck Ellie!"
"Sorry I need it!" and before she could grab my thin arm I jumped over Megan and ran out of the shack.
    The rest of the night I was on the roof working. Working on determining their blood, if my prediction was corrected. And as the morning rays shone onto my sleeping face, I got the answer.
"Yes!" I shouted and ran into the shack. Everyone was just waking up, "They're twins!" I shouted holding up the blood packet, "I knew it! I knew it! I Knew-"
"What are you talking about kid?" Mia interrupted.
"Luna and Ziira! They're twins! I don't know how but Ziira you must've been kidnapped at birth! You said you came from a lab right? Yes! It all makes sense! The doctors used you to-"
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, what?" Luna asked, rubbing her eyes.
"You're twins!"
Luna and Ziira just stared at each other, "Well I guess it does make a little sense." Ziira shrugged.
"Jesus, how many siblings do you have?!?!" Loku shouted.
"Lots," Luna responded, "And apparently according to the scientist you're my twin."
"Well, there's something that doesn't happen every day." Ziira joked.
    It felt good getting news out. Luna and Ziira were calm too, it was like they were sisters already so it all worked out in the end. But this isn't the end. There's still more, just because the cure worked, does not mean something didn't work. Something was still missing. They didn't like it.

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