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Chapter 14                                       
The Hungry Naming                               
It was a very intense moment with me, Sasha, Luna, and Ellie. Thousands of dark thoughts going through my mind. A war had broken out between the four of us and all the zombies.
    I couldn't help but think we're going to lose this fight there are too many zombies in this field. I really thought we were going to lose because there were too many zombies. The dogs alone couldn't win against this.
    I was fighting zombies when I hear Hunter screaming at me, "Husky twirl, bat, jump!" It was our little fighting code. Twirl is basically how it sounds. Bat is swing a weapon or your own claws. Jump is just jump, it's that simple.
    Hunter distracted me so I was forced to do our code. T.B.J. is the short version of it and much easier to say. Oh you can also say S.S.S. it also works for that code. That code we made up after I didn't know how to defeat a zombie.
    S.S.S. means spin, swing, and spring. It makes sense but at the same time doesn't. I like our little codes but you do get distracted when the other dog was telling you to do the code.
    The code was a good idea but you always got distracted when the other dog was telling you what to do. Hunter loved little codes; one of his favorites was D.E.D.A. it means Don't Enter Danger Ahead. It always told us to be careful and to watch out because it would be very dangerous if we kept going.
    One time I accidentally put a scar in Hunter's head while practicing S.S.S. I felt so bad but thankfully Sasha is a vet so the scar wasn't too bad. Sasha put bandages all across his face, he was unable to see for a few weeks. He had a cone and all the medicine around his face too.
    I finally started to focus after running for my life and executed the plan, "Husky run back!" Sasha screamed at me.
    I ran back while the rest of the dogs on board ran out. I wasn't doing too good so she told me to go back to the helicopter. It was sad having to watch them all win the war while I am just sitting in the front seat of the helicopter watching.
    When they finally came back to the helicopter we tried flying up again. After all the people and dogs got in place of course.
    I was looking through the window while talking to Leader. I kept seeing all the food places and getting hungry. Instead of eating food I played a game called mash the names. I started with Chick-fil-a and Wendy's and just kept going on and on.
MC SONIC      
PAN IN N        
RONI OLIVE        
HAM & K           
SUB JEFF           
WHITE JUST           
BELI DENI       
Those were all the ones I could find names for. I also saw that Mia's house was on fire, she was really sad. After my stupid little game, I went back to talking to Leader. I was super bored while on the flight so it was really nice to have a friend or two with me. I heard a boom a few minutes after we started flying again and it was the lab. It was sad to say but Joana and Gem were dead.
Leader and I were playing guess the name when "We're going down! MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" Luna shouts. I freaked out and grabbed some pillows to put in front of the people's heads so they didn't get a concussion.
    I went over to the back of the helicopter to help the other dogs out so they would also be okay after the crash. I grabbed the rest of the pillows and blankets and made a little fort for the other dogs while I went over to the door and prepared for whenever we crash.
    It was crazy, we started spinning in circles while the back end was smoking up. We began to dramatically decline and all of a sudden BOOM and we are now on the ground.
     Sasha started screaming that the helicopter was on fire. We were flipped on our side so it was harder to get out but as soon as I got out I helped the other dogs while Sasha was helping the people. I got Hunter out and then the helicopter almost killed everyone. The moral of the story is if a helicopter is on fire get out as fast as humanly possible because it will explode.
    It started to get dark so we all went to a place to rest and it did take a while for me and Leader to fall asleep so we just kept talking. We mainly talked about the old days with Ashley and Zach. Sasha really missed them and it was really hard for her to not think about them, her mom and dad.
    I finally got tired after an hour of just talking, "Husky? Are you awake?" I heard Leader ask before I passed out.

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