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Chapter 12                                       
A Day In My Life                                   

It was a Friday morning and I was doing my usual, screaming in Lucky's face. She hates it but it makes me happy so I do it anyway.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Trouble. I am a 4-year-old Australian Shepherd and I love to mess around with my best friend, also sister, Lucky.
We grew up together and we're always there for each other. I am 3 years older than Lucky and we are different types of dogs but I count her as my sister and nobody can say we aren't. Sasha is the best owner ever and nobody can disagree.
    "Troub get over here now. Please?" I heard Lucky saying to me while I was zoning out. I ran over to Luck and we just started running all around the lab. It was fun, going in circles around the so-called "group" and just doing that. Then we found a little door and we thought oh maybe we can go through it and see what is behind there so we went exploring and we found where they kept the bodies that were donated to SCIENCE!!!!! Sometimes Lucky and I would just sit on the couch and talk about space. We liked to think we were talking about science but we were only talking nonsense.
A while later we hear Sasha screaming from like a mile away, "TROUBLE LUCKY NO WE LEFT THEM IN THE LAB!" We were safe but didn't understand why she said that. Soon enough we were out of the lab and we ran as fast as we could to get out because we didn't want to be there anymore with the "group" not there.
The lab blew up a few seconds later so we tried going to the house but the house was I don't know, burnt. We went to try and follow the helicopter so we could see them again but couldn't so we hoped in Sasha's truck.
It was boring there, nothing to do, nothing to eat. Wait, the sled is still here. They have to come back here at some point to get the sled. At least we hoped.
It was a few hours later and Luck and I started to mess around. We almost flipped her truck over from being too crazy. At this point I was getting way too hungry and so was Lucky she can't go even 2 hours without eating this is getting out of hand.
I went to the sled and tried to get some, only to find it was the kind nobody liked. Why did Sasha pack that if nobody will eat it? Lucky and I hated it too but had no other choice so we ate it anyway.
It was disgusting. I wanted to die. It was the worst food ever. Lucky hated it even more than me I felt bad so I started talking about "science" we were saying things about pluto growing bigger and becoming a planet and stupid stuff like that.
We both jumped out of the truck to go fight some zombies and we somehow got trapped in a giant mob. It was hard to get out but we did not even touching a zombie. Lucky didn't like it so we went back in the truck.
The bed of the truck had what Sasha called the "zombie cover" so we would be safe. It made the bed feel cozy, like a dog house or a tent. It was fun to be there when she was driving.
Lucky made the worst cry when she got bitten by a fire ant. We don't know how it got in but it obviously got in somehow. I was wishing that the "group" would come back really soon. Megan I would always go to if Sasha or Luna wasn't there. I would go to Megan because she always would give me whatever I wanted. Sasha was very strict on what we could be given and what we could give. Sasha is strict but the best owner ever.
"Trouble," I hear Lucky calling from outside the truck, "The house is in flames Trouble get out here." I finally understood why I was getting yelled at when I looked out the window of the truck.

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