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[ Mature Heavily Violent Content warning! Hateful shits pls ignore my rants, don't complain what i wrote, it's just to release anger, skip it ]

Those high school jerk bullied a child, ragged an innocent boy and raped a girl,
Today parents of those jerks saw the jerks' head chopped off and eaten infront of their doorsteps by the thirsty agonised ghouls.

That lady cheated on her husband and threw him off the cliff, left him for a billionaire lover of lust,
Today she saw the big dick smashed infront of her eyes and an axe coming towards her.

A hacker looted some lady's money and made her bankrupt,
Today he was choked off with thousands of notes stuck in his throat.

A truckdriver was drunk and driving and killed kids on the way, ignored their deaths,
Today a ghostrider chained and burnt him alive.

A landlord tricked and forced a farmer to give all the land he had, now nothing left but to hang and die,
Today the landlord sunk into ground, within his own coffin full of devilroaches and shut to death.

The officer promised of well and dam, but ate the funds, while the thirsty villagers died,
Today a waiter was serving his blood to the vampires.

The husband who beat her wife when she didn't do anything wrong,
Today his soul was being lashed with whip while the spirits laughed at him.

Whew. These are just some small things on my wishlist if i ever became a ghoul I'm certainly gonna fulfill these. This is how actual justice shall be given to the evil ppl, not by mere words and imprisonment which they escape away with money. Cruel ghouls and merciless demons are not bad, it's actually the selfish humans who destroy others and claim themselves good who are the actual devils 😌

Judged this boy, hated and broke him, and forced him to suicide?
Tomorrow he will be sitting over your dying body, sipping on your blood juices while you beg to die🍷

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