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Read this short story! Becoz we all need this, every single person must see this <3

She: "How are you?"
Me: I'm not ok-
She: " Be happy then don't be sad, why being so weak ? It's your choice to be happy or sad. And I'm here to listen whenever u need, i don't judge! bmf? "
Me: I'm not weak, don't judge me! I felt hurt-
She: "Whoa? I never judged you, I'm just telling you the truth, an advice. Don't be so immature to be hurt when someone's trying to help you

*Next month*

She: I had a heartbreak, I'm feeling dead.
Me: Oh why feeling dead? You shouldn't feel so. Feel alive. Why are you being such a coward babe??
She: What's my fault? Is it my choice to be heart broken? Stop judging me. Instead of helping you're hurting my emotions. Don't you know how harsh it is to go through a heartbreak? It's not as easy as you think!!

Me: But aren't u the brave gal who is not sensitive and weak like me? And wasn't it you who said it's someone's choice whether they want to be happy or sad? And ofc I'm telling you the same "truth" you told me once forgot?  I'm just trying to help ya babe <3

Also, I'm good at roasting, so better not try messing with my mental peace by ur judgments n advices hun -

Samjhdar ko ishara hi kafi hain (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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