Lights, Camera....

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She just wants to be, beautiful.....

The light in the centre of the stage brightened like a beacon in the dark.

She goes, unnoticed she knows, no limits.....

Another light shone.

She craves, attention she praises, an image......

The teasing glimpse of red silk in the dark.

She prays to be, sculpted by the sculptor....

The goddess stepped into the world of mortals.

Evgenia set the runway alight in a showstopping red one-piece as she sashayed in a fierce almost angry walk down the ramp.

She don't see her perfect...

The red tassels swirled like flames around her willowy figure.

She don't understand she's worth it...

She held the audience in her thrall. Every slight tilting of the hips, the sharp turn of her head, the naked scar glaring in the harsh overhead light.

Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface.....

Oh-oh, oh-oh...

So to all the girls that's hurting...

She knew nobody saw her apart from her scar. So, she forced them to see all the strength in her eyes, the determination in her ramrod straight back, the subtle seduction in the peek of her decolletage, the naked legs that went on for miles.

Let me be your mirror....

Help you see a little bit clearer....

She had been on display all her life for being a freak, a girl in a boy's body but today she was display for all the world to hunger for. She did so enjoy the heady power of being the most beautiful girl in the room.

The light that shines within...

Her golden hair was coiffed elegantly to one side and she wore a black choker across the neck.

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark.....

You should know you're beautiful just the way you are....

She shone more radiantly than the diamonds in her ears. She looked everyone straight in the eyes with cold poise as if daring them to harm her again. She hadn't let her attackers win. She hadn't let her family win.

And you don't have to change a thing....

The world could change its heart....

No scars to your beautiful....

We're stars and we're beautiful....

So, she had worn red, red for vengeance, red for anger, red for passion and red for blood. Yes, Evgenia Astakova looked like a vengeful goddess in red.

She has dreams to be an envy, so she's starving......

You know, covergirls eat nothing......

The light played on the planes of her face. The imperious, cold look in her eye would have rivaled a Russian princess.

She says, beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything......

She almost smiled at the song. How fitting that she had lost her life for her face. Yes, her beauty had hurt her the worst in this life.

What's a little bit of hunger?

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